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  1. Kwun Tong JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Loosely based on a hand lettered title found on vintage sheet music for the song "Hong Kong", the design for Kwun Tong JNL emulates the letters and numbers formed from pieces of bamboo stalk. Kwun Tong JNL is named for a locality in Hong Kong although (according to Wikipedia) "the Hong Kong Government is unitary and does not define cities and towns as subsidiary administrative units."
  2. Museo Slab Rounded by exljbris, $16.50
    One of the most friendly Slab Serifs just got even more friendly. Museo Slab Rounded is the latest addition to the Museo font family. It has updated letterforms, spacing and kerning. It can perfectly be combined with Museo Sans Rounded. It comes in six weights with italics, that are not just slanted regulars. Key characters have been changed to give the italics more flow.
  3. Fairfield by Linotype, $41.99
    Rudolph Ruzicka designed his font Fairfield as a legible text font. His philosophy: The reader expects optical assistance with reading. He does not want to be distracted while interpreting and understanding the ideas of a text." Fairfield font is based on the forms of Venecian Old Face fonts as well as on the designs and details of Art Deco, giving the font a distinctive appearance"
  4. 1540 Mercator Script by GLC, $38.00
    This font was inspired by the so-called Litterarum latinarum, quas italicas, cursoriasque vocant, scribendum Ratio (Louvain 1540), a manual intended for calligraphers by the well known scientist Gerhard Mercator. It was a magnificent “Cancellaresca corsiva” design, enriched with many alternates, final loops and ligatures. We have added a lot of accented and other characters required for modern use that did not exist in the original.
  5. ITC Weidemann by ITC, $29.99
    The Weidemann typeface's original name was Biblica, which was designed for the collaborative publication of a Bible by the German Catholic and Protestant Churches. The mass of text which the face was intended to set required that the design allow many characters to fit onto one line without rendering the words illegible. Thus, narrow spacing does not compromise the legibility or the elegance of Weidemann.
  6. Quickbrush by Trial by Cupcakes, $29.00
    Like its cousin Quickpen, Quickbrush is an unfussy, confidently jotted script, with lots of rich texture to recreate the skips and jumps that appear in brush pen lettering. Contextual alternates for lowercase letters mimic starting and ending marks, to make each word look truly written by hand. It’s a typeface you’ll reach for again and again, for any project that needs a casual, handwritten touch.
  7. Lekker by Susan Brand Design, $5.00
    "Lekker" is an Afrikaans word, that does not quite have an English equal. I can sum it up with the following mixture of words: yummy, nice, fun, joy. That is what this typeface encapsulates. A fun, playful, informal and easy-to-read font with a few script ligatures. Lekker includes multilingual support for All Western Europe languages, as well as Afrikaan (of course). xx Susan
  8. Uncle Oscar by Hanoded, $15.00
    I don't have an Uncle Oscar, so the font is not named after someone I know. The name just kind of stuck. Uncle Oscar is a pencil font, made with a black ‘Lamy’ pencil I took from my son Sam’s pencil box. It is a little rough, but very legible and comes in Regular and Italic. Of course, Uncle Oscar speaks a lot of languages.
  9. Oaken Bucket NF by Nick's Fonts, $10.00
    A Victorian face named Oakwood provided the pattern for this decorative little number, with its swirls and curls guaranteed to delight boys and girls, saints and churls, and dogs and squirrels…well, maybe not the last pair, but you get the idea. All versions of this font include the Unicode 1250 Central European character set in addition to the standard Unicode 1252 Latin set.
  10. Acaraje by Latinotype, $39.00
    Acarajé is a grotesque font that stands out thanks to its versatility. Its personality blossoms through its particular modulation, which grows with weights; making it a rather jovial typeface that does not abandon the characteristics of more classic grotesques. With two styles available: normal and italic, and a variety of 7 weights that range from "Black" to "Regular", this font offers incredible flexibility for your designs.
  11. Nat Flight by ParaType, $30.00
    This elegant family of fonts, suitable for both text and display, is narrow in fit and characterized by a unique feature: in the capital B, P, and R, the stroke of the bowl does not quite meet with the stem. The design is noticeably calligraphic with a dynamic and delicate character, especially in the italics. Its subtleties can best be appreciated when set in large point sizes.
  12. Reva Pro by Arodora Type, $20.00
    Reva is an extremely aesthetic font that will warm you up. As well as being suitable for use in every field, Reva will be a good friend in your logo designs. In addition, magazines, brochures, posters will not leave you alone in your work. Reva will represent you well thanks to the round and hot images in the paragraphs. Also multilingual support, ligatures and more await
  13. Yuko by Thinkdust, $10.00
    Big, bold and with attitude to spare, no-one better get in the way of Yuko when it’s got something to say. Although it’s a gentle giant really, Yuko has a lot of opinions and it won’t go without being heard. Yuko is most effective when you need to say something loudly and with attitude to get people’s attention, especially if you’re competing for space.
  14. Renault Tyre Type Offroad - Personal use only
  15. final fantasy elements - Unknown license
  16. GirlScoutBitch - Unknown license
  17. Grafn by Baqoos, $18.00
    Grafn is a preeminent noetic linear sans apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 240+ glyphs with ligatures and fractions.
  18. Rzewab by Baqoos, $16.00
    Rzewab is a mirthful prevenient handwritten typeface apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 220+ glyphs including punctuation and numerical.
  19. Vmesr by Baqoos, $25.00
    Boktto is a preeminent noetic tech display apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 240+ glyphs with ligatures and fractions.
  20. Rexma by Baqoos, $18.00
    Rexma is protean convivial mono lineal typeface apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 220+ glyphs including punctuation and numerical.
  21. Zagke by Baqoos, $15.00
    Zagke is a natty effervescent handwritten typeface apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 200+ glyphs including punctuation and numerical.
  22. Sworze by Baqoos, $12.00
    Sworze is a benevolent luscious handwritten typeface apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 220+ glyphs including punctuation and numerical.
  23. Print Oddities JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Print Oddities JNL gathers various cartoons, embellishments, spot illustrations, border elements and arrows into one nostalgic collection; all re-drawn from vintage source material.
  24. Stencil Extras JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Stencil Extras JNL contains twenty-six stencil borders, frames, arrows, pointing hands, plants, wildlife and decorative embellishments all re-drawn from vintage source material.
  25. Magtsx by Baqoos, $18.00
    Ornubs is facultative aspirant mono lineal typeface apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 220+ glyphs including punctuation and numerical.
  26. Sortasnaky by Baqoos, $15.00
    Sortasnaky is a gleeful axiological handwritten typeface apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 200+ glyphs including punctuation and numerical.
  27. Vakgok by Baqoos, $18.00
    Vakgok is a plenteous leonine unicase typeface apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 220+ glyphs including punctuation and numerical.
  28. Bacboc by Baqoos, $18.00
    Bacboc is an overflowing coequal handwritten typeface apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 200+ glyphs including punctuation and numerical.
  29. Geopa by Baqoos, $15.00
    Geopa is a fractional conversant tech sans apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 200+ glyphs with ligatures and fractions.
  30. Freggo by Baqoos, $18.00
    Freggo is a beauteous kooky handwritten typeface apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 200+ glyphs including punctuation and numerical.
  31. Maesgo by Baqoos, $12.00
    Maesgo is a bodacious joculatory linear sans apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 200+ glyphs including punctuation and numerical.
  32. Swing Bill by Monotype, $29.99
    The Swing Bill font was designed as a display face for sport material or pop music posters, but has also been seen on TV.
  33. Weggio by Baqoos, $15.00
    Weggio is a brimming mucho handwritten typeface apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 200+ glyphs including punctuation and numerical.
  34. Gosbry by Baqoos, $10.00
    Gosbry is a serene gregarious handwritten typeface apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 220+ glyphs including punctuation and numerical.
  35. Jumory by Baqoos, $23.00
    Jumpy is dinkum heuristic mono lineal typeface apt for headline, editorial, branding, packaging, printed materials and typographic applications. 220+ glyphs including punctuation and numerical.
  36. Stajn Pro by Anže Veršnik, $45.00
    stajn-type.com — Stajn Pro Type Family Website where you can get DEMO version of Stajn Pro Book Stajn Pro was designed upon a main goal of using this typeface to set larger amount of text. The slightly condensed proportion allows for more content per page while large x height with its larger counters improves legibility and readability while used on smaller sizes. Despite the fact that Stajn Pro was designed as a body text Type Family, it works as well as a display too. Wide variety of weights as well as interesting, strong and at the same time beautiful character along with some stylistic alternate makes Stajn Pro a useful typeface in a field of editorial, magazine and promotional materials design. The Stajn Pro character includes some humanistic typeface characteristics, which add some softness and elegance in its strong and stable presence. More information about development, usage and characteristics of a Stajn Pro Type Family at stajn-type.com If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to write me at info@stajn-type.com
  37. Maudhia by BBA Key, $12.00
    Hello, all. I Want To Introduce New Fonts Maudhia Script Maudhia Script New fresh & modern style with handmade calligraphy, decorative characters and dancing lineage! So wonderful are invitations like greeting cards, branding material, business cards, quotes, posters, and more !! Maudhia Script The comes with 331 glyphs. Alternate characters are divided into several Open Type features such as Swash, Stylistic Sets, Stylistic Alternate, Contextual Alternate. Open Type features are accessible by using Open Type savvy programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop Corel Draw X versions, and Microsoft Word. And this font has code PUA unicode (font with special code). So that all alternative characters can be easily accessed by craftsmen or designers. Maudhia Script Uppercase & lowercase International signature & symbol Punctuation Support & PUA number Unicode Style Style Alternative Style Style Range 1-6 Contextual Character Variations. If you do not have programs that support OpenType features like Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw X Versions, you can access all alternative flying machines using Font Book (Mac) or Character Map (Windows). Thanks and good luck :-) Thank you for buying!
  38. 13_Roshi - Personal use only
  39. 13_Fletcher - Personal use only
  40. 13_Ghosts - Unknown license
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