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  1. Small Talk - Unknown license
  2. Small Talk - Unknown license
  3. Sthlm graffiti - Unknown license
  4. Sensory Input - Unknown license
  5. Letterpress Stock Cuts JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Letterpress Stock Cuts JNL is another assemblage of classic cartoons and illustrations re-drawn from vintage source material.
  6. Ferrum - 100% free
  7. Domestic Bliss by Funk King, $10.00
    Domestic Bliss is a perky dot fonts that can bring some fun and bounce to your project.
  8. DeLouisville - 100% free
  9. Sultan Nizar Pro by Sultan Fonts, $19.99
    In 2014 I designed the Nizar font here https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/sultan-fonts/sf-nizar/ It was prompted with great interest by graphic designers, today I am developing the Nizar Pro font, this font does not replace the previous Nizar font but rather continued it, in a way that does not depend on the literal transmission of Nizar Qabbani's method of writing, as the new script relied on the inspiration of Nizar's writing and imparting it Improvements and corrections to the previously designed Ruqah script rules found here https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/sultan-fonts/sultan-ruqah/ The Nizar Pro font includes wide and Normal pens, so it provides all flexibility for the user to process the text and creative work. The font Nizar Pro includes Arabic, Persian, Kurdish, Urdu and Latin languages In the font Nizar Pro has many of OpenType features
  10. CHEESE - Unknown license
  11. Drowning Monkey - Unknown license
  12. Ghylde by Krismagraph, $17.00
    Ghylde is an elegant & modern Serif Display typeface that stands out. Ghylde will be best suited for creating logotypes, branding, headlines, corporate identities, and marketing materials for the web & as well as any minimal designs. Please see the included demographics to get an idea about the capability of this typeface when used for branding and marketing material design. Thank you.
  13. Honeybutter by Zansari, $12.00
    Honeybutter is a modern-vintage inspired hand lettered font. This refreshing take on a the vintage sans serif style is perfect just on its own or for pairing with other similar vintage inspired fonts. Highly recommended for digital lettering, logos, marketing material, print, branding material, quotes, overlaying on photography, and much more. This font was carefully designed by hand in Auckland, New Zealand
  14. Spice Girls by Suza Studio, $18.00
    Spice Girls is an elegant & modern Calligraphy Look typeface that stands out. Spice Girls is best suited for creating logotypes, branding, headlines, fashion, romantic novels, corporate identity and marketing materials for the web & as well as any minimal designs. Please see the included demographics to get an idea of what this typeface is capable of when used for branding and marketing material design.
  15. Realgar by Emtype Foundry, $69.00
    Realgar is a generic and neutral typeface but with enough personality to be different, but not as much to be unfamiliar. The name refers to an ancient natural pigment, known for its vivid orange colour. It is a multipurpose typeface in an eclectic style that combines geometric and grotesque with some humanist touches. Some of its main features are the wide proportions, closed apertures and idiosyncratic numbers that make Realgar stand out. In addition, the rounded dots convey a friendly and contemporary look. A Variable Font version is included with the family or as a separate style.
  16. M Hei PRC by Monotype HK, $523.99
    Although traditional Heiti typefaces may not be as lively as Songti, the modesty of M Hei makes is enduring and stand out from other similar typefaces. M Hei’s design is based on the hallmarks of traditional Heiti typefaces: it has little to no thick-thin contrast in strokes and has square cut terminals. Its dots (點), ticks (剔) and downstrokes (撇、捺) are subtly curved and longer than usual; all stems (豎) and crossbars (橫) remain simple and clear; and hooks (勾) appear rounded. Together they make a harmonious form which is clean but pure, classy but contemporary.
  17. Overspray - Personal use only
  18. Goudy Initialen - Personal use only
  19. Blend by Typesenses, $49.00
    Blend is a hand drawn collection that takes its cues from the visual universe of bakeries and coffee shops. The name refers to the combining of different kinds of coffee beans to get a balanced taste, and Blend does just that, although here each typographic flavor can also be enjoyed separately. Projects such as branding, children’s books, wedding invitations and labels are sweetened with this cute family. The bouncing informal Script programmed with Open Type offers a wide range of features like ligatures, swashes, endings, initial forms and lots of alternates. Use professional software that widely support Open Type features. Otherwise, you may not have access to some glyphs. Keep the Standard Ligatures feature always active. For further information about features and alternates, see the User Guide Blend has extensive Western, Central and Eastern European language support. Make some coffee and enjoy!
  20. Printy Things JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Printy Things JNL gathers together another collection of dingbats, border elements, embellishments and other images from vintage source material.
  21. TA Bankslab by Tural Alisoy, $33.00
    The building of the Northern Bank of St. Petersburg's Baku branch was built in 1903-1905. It was the first Art Nouveau-style building in Baku, Azerbaijan. Later the bank was transformed into the Russian-Asian Bank. After the oil boom in Baku in the 19th century, branches of many banks and new banks were opened in the city. The branch of the Northern Bank of St. Petersburg was among the first banks that was opened in Baku. N.Bayev was the architect of the building for the branch of the Northern Bank of St. Petersburg located at Gorchakovskaya 3 in 1903-1905. The building currently houses the Central Branch of the International Bank of Azerbaijan. My purpose in writing this is not to copy and paste the information from Wikipedia. What attracted me to the building was the word "Банкъ" (Bank) written in Cyrillic letters, which was also used in Azerbaijan during the Soviet era. The exact date of the writing is not known. Every time I pass by this building, I always thought of creating a font of this writing someday. I had taken a photo of the building and saved it on my phone. I did a lot of research on the font and asked a lot of people. However, some did not provide information at all and some said they did not have any information. I was interested in the history of this font but I do not know if this font really existed or it was created by the architect out of nowhere. If there was such a history of this font, I wanted to recreate this font and make it available. If not, I had to create it from scratch in the same way, using only existing letters on the building. Finally, I made up my mind and decided to develop the font with all letters I have got. It was difficult to create a font based on the word, Банкъ. Because in the appearance of the letters, the midline of the letters on A, H, K was very distinct, both in the form of inclination and in more precise degrees. The serif part of the letters, the height of the upper and lower sides, differed from each other. I don't know whether it was done this way when the building was constructed or it happened over time. I prepared and kept the initial version of the font. I took a break for a while. I started digging on the story of the font again. Meanwhile, I was researching and got inspired by similar fonts. Unfortunately, my research on the font's history did not yield any results. I decided to continue finishing up the font. After developing the demo, I created the font by keeping certain parts of these differences in the letters. In addition, I had to consider the development of letters in the Cyrillic, as well as the Latin alphabet, over the past period. Thus, I began to look at the appearance of slab-serif or serif fonts of that time. In general, as I gain more experience in developing fonts, I try to focus on the precision of the design for each font. In recent years, I specifically paid attention to this matter. YouTube channel and articles by Alexandra K.'s of ParaType, as well as, information and samples from TypeType and Fontfabric studios on the Cyrillic alphabet were quite useful. I gathered data regarding the Latin alphabet from various credible sources. I do not know if I could accomplish what I aimed at but I know one thing that I could develop the font. Maybe someday I'll have to revise this font. For now, I share it with you. I created the font in 10 styles. 7 weight from Thin to Extra Black, an Outline, Shadow, and Art Nouveau. The Art Nouveau style was inspired by the texture in the background used for the text on the building. The texture I applied to capital letters adds beauty to the font. If you like the font feel free to use it or simply let me know if your current alphabet doesn't support this font.
  22. TA Bankslab Art Nouveau by Tural Alisoy, $40.00
    TA Bankslab graphic presentation at Behance The building of the Northern Bank of St. Petersburg's Baku branch was built in 1903-1905. It was the first Art Nouveau-style building in Baku, Azerbaijan. Later the bank was transformed into the Russian-Asian Bank. After the oil boom in Baku in the 19th century, branches of many banks and new banks were opened in the city. The branch of the Northern Bank of St. Petersburg was among the first banks that was opened in Baku. N.Bayev was the architect of the building for the branch of the Northern Bank of St. Petersburg located at Gorchakovskaya 3 in 1903-1905. The building currently houses the Central Branch of the International Bank of Azerbaijan. My purpose in writing this is not to copy and paste the information from Wikipedia. What attracted me to the building was the word "Банкъ" (Bank) written in Cyrillic letters, which was also used in Azerbaijan during the Soviet era. The exact date of the writing is not known. Every time I pass by this building, I always thought of creating a font of this writing someday. I had taken a photo of the building and saved it on my phone. I did a lot of research on the font and asked a lot of people. However, some did not provide information at all and some said they did not have any information. I was interested in the history of this font but I do not know if this font really existed or it was created by the architect out of nowhere. If there was such a history of this font, I wanted to recreate this font and make it available. If not, I had to create it from scratch in the same way, using only existing letters on the building. Finally, I made up my mind and decided to develop the font with all letters I have got. It was difficult to create a font based on the word, Банкъ. Because in the appearance of the letters, the midline of the letters on A, H, K was very distinct, both in the form of inclination and in more precise degrees. The serif part of the letters, the height of the upper and lower sides, differed from each other. I don't know whether it was done this way when the building was constructed or it happened over time. I prepared and kept the initial version of the font. I took a break for a while. I started digging on the story of the font again. Meanwhile, I was researching and got inspired by similar fonts. Unfortunately, my research on the font's history did not yield any results. I decided to continue finishing up the font. After developing the demo, I created the font by keeping certain parts of these differences in the letters. In addition, I had to consider the development of letters in the Cyrillic, as well as the Latin alphabet, over the past period. Thus, I began to look at the appearance of slab-serif or serif fonts of that time. In general, as I gain more experience in developing fonts, I try to focus on the precision of the design for each font. In recent years, I specifically paid attention to this matter. YouTube channel and articles by Alexandra K.'s of ParaType, as well as, information and samples from TypeType and Fontfabric studios on the Cyrillic alphabet were quite useful. I gathered data regarding the Latin alphabet from various credible sources. I do not know if I could accomplish what I aimed at but I know one thing that I could develop the font. Maybe someday I'll have to revise this font. For now, I share it with you. I created the font in 10 styles. 7 weight from Thin to Extra Black, an Outline, Shadow, and Art Nouveau. The Art Nouveau style was inspired by the texture in the background used for the text on the building. The texture I applied to capital letters adds beauty to the font. If you like the font feel free to use it or simply let me know if your current alphabet doesn't support this font.
  23. Dupla by Tipo Pèpel, $22.00
    When Dupla was designed, its DNA shown the best of the typographic heritage from the XIX century types, the oldest san serif known, also named as “Grotesk”, a soft synonym for bizarre, unnatural weird. XIX century Germans' eyes were surprised, astonished by the formal strangeness that provoked the mutilation of the well known serifed types. But the skeleton and DNA are barely perceptible, an invisible part of the nature of objects. We are interested in the epidermis, the outer, the visible, which directly speak to the eyes, and Dupla tells us with overwhelming presence, that is a formal, traditional type, covered with a childlike sweetness, with slight curves, epidermic, sweetening even ink’s traps up. Frutiger said that Latin alphabet letter’s minimum skeleton is like a lock where you should fit all the letters you see, but that skeleton allows many skins. We use a different skin for every specific use. And Dupla’s skin points to how generous, how friendly it is; the sweetness of the big and good-natured. They do not feel very comfortable in low-cost airplanes company’s seats, but in the proper location with enough room, they'll fill the atmosphere with kindness. Do not ask for narrow columns, or terse captions in squalid sizes; do not ask for ridiculous “small print” in dark contracts where «The party of the first part shall be known in this contract as the party of the first part …» That’s not for Dupla. Large headlines, generous width columns to cover, rude pullquotes half-breaking columns, loud exclamations, great sizes, with black weights. It’s in the insultingly generous, almost obscene use where Dupla is felt. And if you consider this a obscene, gargantuan, typographical feast, Dupla brings you everything to demonstrate that quantity does not mean less quality. Multi-language support, Latin plus full coverage, complete sets of small caps, fractions, old numerals, modern, tabular, bonds and all the “gourmet” paraphernalia that Patau has accustomed us, after many years of work. If you want to be obscene and pass the censorship, use Dupla. Hedonism is just a venial sin.
  24. Snickles - 100% free
  25. Basque by Monotype, $29.99
    Basque is a delicate nineteenth-century upright typeface of angular appearance, reminiscent of Black Letter scripts. The letterforms of the Basque font do not flow, but are made up of straight lines joined to form a rigid shape.
  26. mortis - Unknown license
  27. Changstein - Unknown license
  28. Sassoon Handwriting Starter by Sassoon-Williams, $45.99
    Sassoon fonts package for handwriting starters The three upright "infant" fonts developed to meet the demand for letters to produce pupil material for handwriting as well as for reading. Letters have extended ascenders and descenders ideal on screen and print. They facilitate word recognition. The exit strokes link words together visually, also crucially, they space the letters for improved legibility. The "joined" font puts the skills gained into practice producing joined-up handwriting. Together these typefaces provide a valuable resource for Teachers to create consistent material across the curriculum. Sassoon Infant Tracker B font: This font with its direction arrows helps pupils to start in the correct place. Motor movements can be refined by keeping inside the line. When starting and direction is no problem, the arrow font can be dropped and the Dotted font used. Sassoon Infant Dotted B font: Writing over the dots of this font refines motor skills. The aim here is to give confidence by reinforcing starting points, exits and to now encourage fluidity. Sassoon Infant font: With some words in this font and a baseline beneath to copy onto, pupils can use their learned starting points and exit strokes to write freely along the baseline - still unjoined. Once learned, this leads to spontaneous joins along the baseline leading logically to a joined-up hand. Sassoon Joined font: Having learned to write letters with correct starts and exits, this is when the joined font for teaching handwriting can be used. With some words in this font and a baseline beneath to copy onto, pupils can use their learned starting points and simply extend their exit strokes to make joined-up writing. The default joins the font provides are recommended, however there are alternative letterforms that are so important for some Teachers which can be accessed. Create ‘pen lifts’ anytime too! NOTE: Fonts display unjoined by default on this website and are delivered that way - joining is controlled by your text editing application such as Word or TextEdit, read more for instructions… Free to download PDF resources: Stylistic Sets and how to access the alternative letters feature in these OpenType fonts. Using the separate letter fonts Using the joined font Teachers copybooks using these fonts: How to teach pre-cursive Copybook How to teach cursive handwriting Copybook
  29. Disruptor's Script by Piñata, $15.00
    Disruptor's Script is the alter ego of our previous project Gentlemen's Script. Unlike the Gentlemen's Script, the new font is an elegant rebel and defies traditions. The font is painted with a brush pen, which is especially noticeable in the characteristic shabbiness and different thicknesses of the strokes. While the Gentlemen's Script is an embodiment of a classic costume, dress shoes and an expensive watch, Disruptor's Script is a fashionable suit, sneakers, an iWatch and a tattoo that peeks from under the shirt. The font retained the incline, speed and overall sense of dynamics inherent in Gentlemen's Script, but got a bit more chaotic and unpredictable. This is especially noticeable in the newly added shabbiness, elongated extenders, a large number of contextual alternates and different ligatures. For some high-frequency letters (10 for the Latin alphabet and 10 for the Cyrillic alphabet), we painted alternative versions that are substituted in the word instead of the standard characters when following our preceding certain groups of letters. In addition, in the Disruptor's Script you can find functional ligatures, including some of the frequently occurring two- and three-letter combinations. All these solutions dilute the monotonous line of the set, add a bit of unpredictability to the font and a touch of chaos to inscriptions. To fully enjoy usage of the font, we recommend that you always keep the features contextual alternates (calt) and standard ligatures (liga) turned on. If you do not have access to applications that support OpenType features, it does not matter—even without these features you can use and enjoy our font!
  30. ASTEROID - Unknown license
  31. TRACK - Unknown license
  32. Kantor - Unknown license
  33. Grill Sans - Unknown license
  34. Kantor Ligatures - Unknown license
  35. Paper Stencil JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Paper Stencil JNL is another addition to Jeff Levine's ever-growing collection of stencil fonts based on vintage source material.
  36. Joshico by Supfonts, $15.00
    Joshico - a new fresh handmade calligraphy font. Very suitable for greeting cards, branding materials, business cards, quotes, posters, and more!
  37. Warbones by Forberas Club, $16.00
    Introducing Warbones by Forberas, yet playful but still serious. You can use this as decorative material for your upcoming project.
  38. Familiar Pro by CheapProFonts, $-
    This family was inspired by a Type Battle over at Typophile: How would you design a font metrically compatible with Helvetica, but better than Arial? Working with preset letter widths was an interesting constraint, both a relief and a limitation at the same time. I have done all the 4 basic weights, and the skewed obliques (done to a slightly less steep 10 degrees angle as opposed to the originals 12) has been optically adjusted. The letters have been designed quite close to the german/swiss grotesk tradition, but by using super-elliptical rounds, rounded dots and slightly curved outer diagonals the end result is a friendly looking font family that still looks... familiar. ALL fonts from CheapProFonts have very extensive language support: They contain some unusual diacritic letters (some of which are contained in the Latin Extended-B Unicode block) supporting: Cornish, Filipino (Tagalog), Guarani, Luxembourgian, Malagasy, Romanian, Ulithian and Welsh. They also contain all glyphs in the Latin Extended-A Unicode block (which among others cover the Central European and Baltic areas) supporting: Afrikaans, Belarusian (Lacinka), Bosnian, Catalan, Chichewa, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, Greenlandic, Hungarian, Kashubian, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Maori, Polish, Saami (Inari), Saami (North), Serbian (latin), Slovak(ian), Slovene, Sorbian (Lower), Sorbian (Upper), Turkish and Turkmen. And they of course contain all the usual "western" glyphs supporting: Albanian, Basque, Breton, Chamorro, Danish, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galican, German, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish (Gaelic), Italian, Northern Sotho, Norwegian, Occitan, Portuguese, Rhaeto-Romance, Sami (Lule), Sami (South), Scots (Gaelic), Spanish, Swedish, Tswana, Walloon and Yapese.
  39. Pop Cubism by K-Type, $20.00
    The Pop Cubism fonts are inspired by Roy Lichtenstein who combined the strong outlines and benday dots of Pop Art with the fragmented viewpoints and facet line divisions of Cubism. The bold letterforms are derived from a variety of styles, both serif and sans, angular and rounded. Pop Cubism is available in two packages: Pop Cubism Shaded is a single font which contains the lines and dot tones for use in a single color. The Pop Cubism Color Kit contains three matching fonts (Pop Cubism Outline, Pop Cubism Halftone Underlay and Pop Cubism Color Underlay) for overlaying different colors of lines, dot tones, and background color.
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