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  1. Æ Systematic TT BRK - Unknown license
  2. Zelda DX TT BRK - Unknown license
  3. TT Norms Std Condensed by TypeType, $35.00
    TT Norms® Std Condensed useful links: Specimen | Graphic presentation | Customization options TT Norms® Std Condensed is the logical development of our bestselling TT Norms®. Since the release of TT Norms®, we received a bunch of requests to create its narrow version and even managed to make several custom projects of the narrow TT Norms® before we decided to start creating a full-fledged commercial version of the typeface. At the very beginning of the project, we did some research and tested several options for the possible width of the typeface. Despite the fact that TT Norms® Std Condensed has narrower proportions than the original family, it inherited the classic proportions of characters, attention to detail and meticulous elaboration of each character in the typeface. The TT Norms® Std Condensed font family consists of 18 faces (9 upright and 9 italics). Each style includes a sufficient set of characters that allow you to solve most of the problems that arise in the field of graphic design, branding, packaging design or website design.
  4. TT Commons™️ Pro by TypeType, $39.00
    Introducing TT Commons™️ Pro, version 3.300! We’ve extended our bestseller and made it even better by adding the Greek alphabet and updating the OpenType features. The TT Commons™️ Pro typeface currently includes: 5 different subfamilies: Standard, Condensed, Compact, Expanded, and Mono; 102 font styles + 2 variable fonts: TT Commons™️ Pro Variable and TT Commons™️ Pro Mono; 1546+ characters in each Mono font style set and 1656+ characters in each Standard, Condensed, Expanded, and Compact font style; 275+ languages support, along with the Vietnamese and Greek alphabets (in all subfamilies but Mono); flawless kerning and manual TrueType hinting; 32+ OpenType features.
  5. TT Prosto Sans Condensed by TypeType, $29.00
    'Prosto' in the name of the font is translated into Russian as “Simply”. Prosto Sans Condensed is the condensed version of the Prosto Sans font family. We created the simplest font possible, and it will fit perfectly into any design. Each line of this typeface is emotionally neutral and aims to not emphasize the text in its graphic representation, but only to use the text to convey the meaning. Having Prosto Sans and Prosto Sans Condensed in your collection is like having a universal tool that helps you every day when you need to 'mend' or 'repair' something. Due to condensed proportions, any text array fits a smaller text field than usual.
  6. TT Norms Pro Serif by TypeType, $39.00
    Introducing TT Norms® Pro Serif, version 1.100! The updated font now has new OpenType features and localization for the Serbian and Bulgarian languages. TT Norms® Pro Serif is a functional serif based on our studio's main bestseller—the versatile sans serif TT Norms® Pro. Together, they form an ideal font pair. Although these typefaces are made for each other, they can easily be used independently and paired with other fonts. So, TT Norms® Pro Serif is a self-sufficient and elegant serif, neutral at the same time. It is easy to recognize due to its gentle proportion dynamics, open aperture, slanted oval axis, and low stroke contrast. Another distinctive feature of this font is brutal serifs that adjust in length according to the weight of the font. As well as TT Norms Pro, there are Italic font styles in TT Norms® Pro Serif. However, for this serif, we have designed true italics instead of simple slanted font styles. Their key feature is the ability of the lowercase letterforms to change in reference to the roman font styles. They become more rounded, moving towards handwritten shapes. The nature of the italics turned out sharper than that of the roman font styles. It can be used to place accents that would attract attention without interfering with the process of reading. TT Norms® Pro Serif is capable of solving multiple design tasks. It is highly readable, which makes it convenient for small point sizes. This serif's application range is broad and diverse: it can be used for websites, printed materials, and packaging design. The font is well-suited for projects in the domains of culture, art, history, or literature and can be implemented into the designs of signs, posters, or premium products and services. TT Norms® Pro Serif, version 1.100, consists of: 24 font styles: 11 roman, 11 italic, and 2 variable fonts (one for the roman font styles and another—for italics); 1380 glyphs in each font style; 31 OpenType features, including options for localization.
  7. Tri-Font by Greiner grafik, $54.24
    By the arrangement of single triangles Tri-Font gets a folded, handmade, geometric and modern effect. Tri-Font is perfectly suitable for use in anything from guidance systems to signage and was made for optimal readability both on screen and in print. The font family consists of a total of 350 glyphs and contains the font styles Triangle // Outline // Body. In Deutsch Die Tri-Font bekommt durch die Anordnung einzelner Dreiecke eine gefaltete, handwerkliche, geometrische und moderne Wirkung. Tri-Font eignet sich wunderbar für den Einsatz in Leit- und Orientierungssystemen. In der Displayanwendung wie auch im Printbereich ist sie angenehm zu lesen. Die Schriftfamilie besteht insgesamt aus 350 Glyphs und beinhaltet die Schriftschnitte Triangle // Outline // Body.
  8. Stephen Gillion by Sarid Ezra, $13.00
    Stephen & Gillion is signature script with three style that contain stylistic alternate, swash, etc to create your own customized signature or logo design. Stephen & Gillion is a signature font that you can use to make a logo for branding, beautiful fashion design, suitable for wedding invitation, or handwritten quote. Come with heart-shaped connector! Also already PUA Encoded. Foreign Languages Support: ÀÁÂÃÄÅÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ What Will You Get: Stephen & Gillion Regular (OTF & TTF) Stephen & Gillion Bold (OTF & TTF) Stephen & Gillion Italic (OTF & TTF) Instruction PS: Type underscore + number (from 1 to 5). Or copy Some_5thing in preview bellow..
  9. Soul Lotion by TypoGraphicDesign, $19.00
    CONCEPT/CHARACTERISTICS The typeface “Soul Lotion” is a sans serif font for display sizes. Con­struc­ted, clear and sim­ply with mono­line cha­rac­ter. The round and unador­ned look is modern & simple. APPLICATION AREA The modern, clear and simply sans serif font “Soul lotion” would be happy as a display typeface in headline size on the following areas and there simply feel good: Logos/Wordmarks, party flyer, album covers, CD covers, Poster design, video game design, and much more as display typeface for print and digital magazines, books and websites. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Head­line Font | Dis­play Font | Sans Serif Font “Soul Lotion” Open­Type Font (Mac + Win) with 6 styles (regu­lar, bold, light + 3x italic) & 354 glyphs. Incl. accents, alter­na­tive let­ters, liga­tures & €. Desk­top Font (.otf) + Web Font (.svg, .eot, .woff) KONZEPT/BESONDERHEITEN Die Schrift »Soul Lotion« ist ein serifenloser Font für Headlinegrößen. Kon­stru­iert, klar und einfach mit gleich­blei­ben­der Strich­stärke. Die run­den und schnör­kel­lo­sen For­men wir­ken modern & schlicht. EINSATZGEBIETE Die moderne, klare und einfache Sans Serif Schrift »Soul Lotion«, würde sich als Aus­zeich­nungs­schrift in Head­line­größe über fol­gende Ein­satz­ge­biete sehr freuen und sich dort schlicht wohl­füh­len: Logos/Wortmarken, Flyer für fast jede Party, Plat­ten­Co­ver, CD-Cover, Pla­kat­De­sign, Video­spiel Design, als Head­line­schrift für print und digi­tale Maga­zine, Bücher und Web­sei­ten u.v.m. TECHNISCHE INFORMATIONEN Head­line Font | Dis­play Font | Sans Serif Font »Soul Lotion« Open­Type Font (Mac + Win) mit 6 Schrift­schnit­ten (regular, bold, light + 3x italic) & 354 Gly­phen. Inkl. dia­kri­ti­sches Zei­chen, alter­na­tive Buch­sta­ben, Liga­tu­ren & €. Desk­top Font (.otf) + Web Font (.svg, .eot, .woff)
  10. Beyond Babylon by URW Type Foundry, $35.99
    Babylon was a civilisation that stretched from Bagdad to the Persian Gulf. There is an Old and new Babylonia, the era of Babylon civilization and the biblical Babylon. The oldest scriptures to be found since the rise of civilisation are Babylonic. The Christian, the Jewish and the Arabic culture find its origin in the Middle East. And share more or less the same history, the same roots and DNA. One people, but in reality a melting pot of close related cultures whom could not be more far apart, hostile and suspicious towards each other. An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. One could say this disagreement is still alive today and has deeply infected all of our systems. Beyond Babylon is sculpted after Hebrew, Arabic character style elements in a European writing. It questions what happened after the great Babylonic confusion. Did the words finally come across? Did they realize the distant and gap was maybe smaller than expected. This typeface is related to my former character Eurabia. As an artist I like to play with contradictions. Use opposite elements and mould them in to one understandable piece and in addition a thought to chew on. Otherwise the experimental ore shape lovin' typeface user could be very happy with an addition feature to the existing characters. One option more to express your selves in writing. Also this typeface is really suitable for theme writing or advertising. ----------- Babylon war eine Zivilisation die sich von Bagdad bis zum Persischen Golf erstreckte. Es gibt das alte und das neue Babylon, die Ära der Babylon Zivilisation und das biblische Babylon. Die ältesten Schriften, welche seit dem Aufstieg der Zivilisation gefunden wurden, sind babylonisch. Die Christen, die Juden und die arabische Kultur finden ihren Ursprung im Mittleren Osten. Sie teilen mehr oder weniger die gleiche Geschichte, die gleichen Wurzeln und DNA: Ein Volk. Aber in Wirklichkeit waren sie ein Schmelztiegel aus eng verwandten Kulturen, welche sich nicht ferner sein könnten: feindselig und misstrauisch zueinander. Auge um Auge, Zahn um Zahn. Man könnte behaupten, diese Unstimmigkeit bestehe noch heute und hätte all unsere Systeme stark infiziert. Beyond Babylon ist eine europäische Schrift, geformt nach hebräischen und arabischen Stilelementen der Zeichen. Sie hinterfragt die Geschehnisse nach der der Babylonischen Sprachverwirrung. Kamen die Worte endlich an? Haben sie realisiert, dass die Weite des Spalts zwischen ihnen vielleicht geringer war als erwartet. Diese Schrift ist verwandt mit meinen vorigen Zeichen der Eurabia. Als Künstlerin mag ich es mit Widersprüchen zu spielen, gegensätzliche Elemente zu einem vernehmbaren Ganzen zu verschmelzen und einen kniffligen Gedanken zu erzeugen. Andererseits könnte der experimentelle oder formenverliebte Nutzer sehr glücklich über eine zusätzliche Funktion der bestehenden Zeichen sein. Eine weite Möglichkeit sich im Schreiben auszudrücken. Diese Schrift ist auch für Werbung sehr geeignet.
  11. Rocksolid by Aah Yes, $9.95
    Rocksolid's appearance is somewhere between a font resembling large, carved blocks of stone and a negative outline grunge font, and it is surprisingly responsive to simple effects in graphics programs. Mostly it is intended for titles, display and headlines. There's an extensive set of accented characters and punctuation. The zip contains both OTF and TTF versions - install either OTF or TTF, not both.
  12. Roundabout by URW Type Foundry, $35.99
    Roundabout is a typeface that is extracted from an ellipse shape. Each and every character started at the same geometrical figure. By cutting it up in sections, twist and rotate the separate characters could be build. The ellipse provides this typeface with evident and smooth looking features. The name Roundabout is misleading, an ellipse is not round. But the word Roundabout has a nice ring to it and it seems to fit this typeface perfectly. The Roundabout as we know it is a place where the traffic circles. Sometimes in the greater metropoles it jams like clotting veins. Various exits are presented for those who know which way to go, for those who don’t it seems an eternal treadmill. Unlike my typeface, that seems rather careless, light weighted and knows her way around. A roundabout in a child’s mind is a playful carrousel or a merry go round. Merry go round has the sweetest sound and a match is found. My Roundabout is a joyful, optimistic and open typeface, which can be used over and over and over again for many or any purposes. ----- Roundabout ist eine Schrift die aus der Form einer Ellipse entstand. So teilen alle einzelnen Zeichen denselben geometrischen Ursprung. Durch das zerteilen, verdrehen und verflechten der elliptischen Grundform konnten die separaten Zeichen so geformt werden, dass sie einen klaren und weichen Charakter erhielten. Der Name Roundabout scheint auf den ersten Blick etwas irreleitend - ist eine Ellipse ja nicht wirklich rund. Er hat aber einen schönen Klang und doch eine tiefe Verbindung zu dieser Schrift. In unseren Gedanken ist Roundabout ein Kreisverkehr: Manchmal, in großen Städten, kann er blockieren, so wie eine verstopfte Ader. Verschiedenste Auswege zeigen sich denen, die ihr Ziel kennen; für alle anderen erscheint dieser Ort wie eine endlose Schlaufe. Dieses Bild widerspricht dem Auftreten meiner Schrift, welche eher sorglos und leichtfüßig ist; sie kennt ihren Weg. In dem Kopf eines Kindes jedoch ist ein Roundabout ein verspieltes Karussell, ein „merry go round“. ,,Merry go round“ klingt bezaubernd und so fiel die Entscheidung. Meine Roundabout ist eine fröhliche, optimistische und offene Schrift, die immer und immer wieder genutzt werden kann, zu jedem erdenklichen Zweck.
  13. Puggu by Aah Yes, $9.95
    Puggu is ideal for headlines or posters where slightly unusual or unrefined type is required, though paragraphs of text are quite readable. The font includes 57 ligatures of fairly common letter combinations (such as at, ee, ss, tt, Ar, RD,) with alternative letter-shapes used, to give some random variations and avoid having too many repeat letters looking identical. (The full list is included with the zip-file.) And there's a wide range of accented characters giving compatability with many European languages. The zip contains OTF and TTF versions - only install one version of a font on the same machine, either the OTF or TTF, but not both as that could cause various conflicts and erratic behaviour.
  14. Mivron by Aah Yes, $4.95
    Mivron is a stand-out type of sans-serif block text especially suited for headlines and display work. There's a wide range of accented characters making this font appropriate for a wide variety of languages. The zip contains OTF and TTF versions - only install one version of a font on the same machine, either the OTF or TTF, but not both as that could cause various conflicts and erratic behaviour.
  15. Sex Pistols - Unknown license
  16. Grotbox by Aah Yes, $4.95
    Grotbox is an interesting, if not startling, distressed punk font. There are two varieties: one with upright characters; the other with the characters rotated out of whack for extra informality. Legibility is maintained, despite the wild industrial feel of the typeface, and it's designed to grab the attention. The zip package contains both OTF and TTF versions - install either OTF or TTF, not both versions of a font on the same machine.
  17. Troyline by Sarid Ezra, $13.00
    Troyline is my newest font duo. Contain two fonts, the organic script and sans. Comes with Rough and Stamp style. You can use this font for every project. Suitable for branding logo, hand lettering, or apparel design. This font duo also support multilingual, number and symbol, alternates, swash, and underline. Also this font already PUA Encoded. What will you get: Troyline Script (OTF/TTF) - Rough & Stamp Troyline Sans (OTF/TTF) - Rough & Stamp
  18. Jellodings by Jelloween, $-
    Jelloding contains 32 funny & cute dingbats. Comes in TTF, OTF and Windows Postscript format to suit your every need. You gotta love 'em, and they're free too!
  19. Ink In The Meat - Personal use only
  20. Dancing in the Minefields - Personal use only
  21. letters in the hands - Unknown license
  22. Elephants in Cherry Trees - Unknown license
  23. Written in the Stars - Personal use only
  24. Metal as in Heavy - Unknown license
  25. Fish in the bathroom - Unknown license
  26. KR Hole In One! - Unknown license
  27. KR In The Spotlight! - Unknown license
  28. Pi in the SciFi - Unknown license
  29. Sunshine In My Soul - Personal use only
  30. KR Women In Sports - Unknown license
  31. Summer in the city - Unknown license
  32. Put Another One In - Unknown license
  33. Pea Cara in TX - Unknown license
  34. Britney in a Blender - Unknown license
  35. Cows In the U.S. - Unknown license
  36. 101! In My Pocket - Unknown license
  37. Radios in Motion Hard - Unknown license
  38. 101 In My Yard - Unknown license
  39. Stays In The Cave! - Unknown license
  40. Once in a while - Unknown license
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