2,073 search results (0.018 seconds)
  1. Pod by Device, $29.00
  2. Oops by Posterizer KG, $22.00
    The initial idea for the Oops font, was to create graphemes, and by using them it could imitate a mark of a spilled liquid-stain. In an attempt to make the most convincing effect, those graphemes were written on glass. The final appearance of the graphemes, mostly remain in their basic form, and have the characteristic of a liquid, like fluidity in motion. This manuscript is expressive, but that does not affect the readability of the letters. The generated font was created by using Photoshop, Illustrator and a little bit of interventions in Font Lab. Font Oops is updated and edited version of an old version of the Art decor font, which had just basic letters. Today, Oops font contains Latin and Cyrillic letters, and it can be ideal for use in subjects like a paintball, art, expression, ink, water...
  3. Plop by Gleb Guralnyk, $14.00
    Presenting a decorative liquid font Plop. It's a splashing funny typeface perfect for authentique lettering composition. To use a bigger splash letter just type a capital letter. Same way the last letter in word will be automatically replaced to correct glyph using OpenType features. Both sides splashes are available for all letters including multilingual characters. Thank you and have a nice day!
  4. Pod by kapitza, $49.00
    Pod™ is a cute foliage font consisting of 62 illustrations. It is entirely hand drawn and each character is unique. When combined it is easy to create fantasy forests and magical meadows.
  5. Janda Curlygirl Pop - Personal use only
  6. SF Synthonic Pop - Unknown license
  7. Pop Up Fontio - Unknown license
  8. SF Synthonic Pop - Unknown license
  9. SF Synthonic Pop - Unknown license
  10. SF Synthonic Pop - Unknown license
  11. Pop Tune JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Pop Tune JNL comes from the hand-lettered title on sheet music for "Does Your Heart Beat for Me?". This 1940s hit was co-written and made famous by Russ Morgan and His Orchestra. Many vintage pieces of sheet music employed hand-lettered titles and cartoon illustrations to emphasize the topic of the song itself.
  12. Tokyo City Pop by IKIIKOWRK, $19.00
    Are you prepared to add a retro energy and the vivacious pop culture of the 1980s to your creative projects? Look no further than Tokyo City Pop, the ideal retro pop font that is ready to give your creative pursuits a fresh and vibrant edge! Tokyo City Pop yells instead than merely speaking. Its text is bold and funky, dancing across the page and vibrating with the energy of a busy city. Each word evokes a burst of vitality, embodying the youthful spirit and inventiveness that characterize urban landscape. This typeface is perfect for an vintage stuff, retro poster layout, magazine design, packaging, food & beverages and also good for quotes, or simply as a stylish text overlay to any background image. What's included? Uppercase & Lowercase Number & Punctuation Multilingual Support Works on PC & Mac
  13. Corn Pop Plus by Intellecta Design, $20.90
  14. P22 Pop Art by P22 Type Foundry, $24.95
    This font set was developed for the Albright-Knox Art Gallery and is inspired by their collection of Pop Art. Artists such as Warhol, Lichtenstein, and Rauchenberg sought to blur the lines between high and low art as well as the boundaries between art and everyday life. The alphabets and extras in this set reflect that spirit.
  15. Hip Pop NF by Nick's Fonts, $10.00
    Type designer Friedrich Poppl is perhaps best known for his classic text faces and elegant scripts, but it seems he had a playful side as well. This frisky face is based on Dynamische Antiqua, which Poppl did for the Stempel foundry in 1960, but which was never released. Bright, bold and bouncy, it’s the perfect choice for headlines with impish impact. Both versions of this font include the complete Unicode Latin 1252 and Central European 1250 character sets.
  16. Hachi Maru Pop by Norio Kanisawa, $40.00
    It is a cute font that imaged a circle that was popular among young Japanese girls in the 1970s and 1980s, plus elements of the current round character as well. The momentum of the circle fads of the 70s and 80s back then seemed to have been great, and it seems that there were schools that prohibited the use of the round letters as students were all writing, too. In addition, a circular letter contest was held, and it seems that the work selected from many entries was released as a phototype. I tried to round up to the limit while incorporating the elements of that circle and the elements of the round letters that the current Japanese girls would write. It corresponds to Hiragana · Katakana · Alphabet · Numerals · Symbols · Kanji(chinese characters). You can also write vertically. You can use it easily, because it contains JIS first · second level, and IBM extended Kanji(about 6700chinese characters). I think that it is an eye-catching design although it lacks a little on readability, so it is also recommended to use it point-wise. The name "Hachimaru" is a thing that touched "80" in the 1980s. The 80s is one of my favorite times. I think that the power to young girls 'Kawaii' such as circle letters, fancy goods and idols was a very strong era. I hope I can express even a little "Kawaii" culture of that unique and unique 80's Japan. <「はちまるポップ」紹介文> 1970年〜80年代に、日本の若い女の子の間で流行した丸文字をイメージし、現在の丸文字の要素もプラスしたかわいいフォントです。 70〜80年代当時の丸文字の流行の勢いは凄かったらしく、学生さんもみな書いていたそうで、丸文字の使用を禁止する学校もあったそうです。 また、丸文字のコンテストが行われ、多数の応募から選ばれた作品が写植書体としてリリースされたこともあるそうです。 その丸文字の要素と、現在の日本の女の子が書くような丸文字の要素も取り込みながら、極限まで丸っこくしてみました。 ひらがな・カタカナ・アルファベット・数字・記号類・漢字に対応しており、縦書きもできます。 漢字はJIS第一水準・第二水準・IBM拡張漢字に対応(約6700文字)しているので、使い勝手も良いかと思います。 可読性には少々欠けますが目を引くデザインだと思うので、ポイント的に使うのもオススメです。 名称の「はちまる」は80年代の「80」をもじったものです。 80年代は私の好きな時代の1つです。丸文字をはじめ、ファンシーグッズやアイドルなど、若い女の子の「かわいい」へのパワーがとても強い時代だったんだなぁと思います。 その個性的で独特な80年代日本の「かわいい」カルチャーを少しでも表現できてればいいなぁと思います。 <スタイルカテゴリー> 手書き風、丸ゴシック
  17. Rocket Pop Outline by astroluxtype, $20.00
    Rocket Pop Outline and Rocket Pop are influenced by product packaging and cereal box art from the 1960’s and 1970’s. The fonts will work as companions or separate. Best used over 36pt as a headline display face, these fonts will bring a bold playfulness to any project where a vintage or retro style is in the concept. The style reflects the era when things were indeed, mad, where men (and some women) did crazy art for vinyl records, food packaging and kiddie products. This outline font will bring a snap and crackle and a pop to any of your vintage design projects. Watch for the Cerealboxx Set coming soon that will include the astroluxtype fonts, Sugarbang! Koo Koo Puff and Rocket Pop together in one delicious box.
  18. Silly Poo-Poo - Unknown license
  19. Monserga FFP - Personal use only
  20. Sabandija ffp - Personal use only
  21. gAbAcHiTA FFP - Personal use only
  22. Clam Dip - Unknown license
  23. Eixample Dip by Type-Ø-Tones, $55.00
    The Eixample project is inspired by modernist signage of various examples found in the Eixample neighbourhood in Barcelona. The name of each subfamily is related to its location or to specific elements of the original sign. Dip is the abbreviation for Carrer Diputació (Diputació Street), where the original sign spells Farmacia Específicos Diputación. The reference taken from the pharmacy sign is a curious model, where sans-serif lowercase letters coexist with script uppercase. This fundamentals create the system that we have introduced in Eixample Dip. The capitals are built with contained decoration to achieve maximum compatibility between letters. The script capitals are the default uppercase but we have also included alternative capitals, a slab style that can be combined with the scripts. The narrow influence of the original sign is correlated with the Narrow styles of the Dip family. But for more versatility, Eixample Dip explores normal widths and weights as well. Furthermore an Inline version was added to the suite.
  24. Chip Dip by PizzaDude.dk, $10.00
    A simple and uneven handmade brush seriffed font. Great for that extra dip your handmade looking designs need! ;)
  25. DNP Shueitai by DNP, $225.00
    Shueitai is a typeface that has been undergoing development for more than a century, starting from the days when Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd. (DNP) was still known as Shueisha. As Japan underwent rapid modernization during the early years of the Meiji era, Shueisha, believing that printing was a business befitting a modern civilized society, began operations with a focus on letterpress. Before long the company expanded into developing its own typefaces. In 1912 it completed a full range of Mincho type, in sizes from Sho-go (#0 size, 42pt) through Hachi-go (#8, 4pt), which it called "Shueitai" a new style that came to form one of the two mainstreams of Japanese typefaces and continues to have a significant influence on font design even today. The Shueitai typeface is distinguished by abundant variations matching the size of type and the changing demands of the times. Whether it is the spirited and powerful Sho-go, the delicate and flowing San-go (#3, 16pt), or the bright and solidly reassuring Shuei-Mincho L, all Shueitai typefaces share a vibrant brushwork that adds an expression of eloquence and a burst of brilliance to every printed word. Currently, Shueitai is composed of 17 kinds of fonts useful for various purposes. The world has witnessed vast changes in the environment surrounding the printed world, with the tran-sition first from letterpress to Desktop Publishing, and most recently to e-books. But no matter how this environment might evolve, the written word remains the basis of communication, and the importance of beautiful and readable typefaces stays unchanged. In preparation for the changes that will inevitably come during the future, DNP will continue to evolve the Shueitai designs from now on. Through its continual reinvention, Shueitai, a typeface consistently adopted at the vanguard of the industry, perhaps represents Japanese innovation at its very best.
  26. Motoya Kj Gaku Mincho by Motoya, $229.00
  27. Motoya Kj Gaku Gothic by Motoya, $229.00
  28. SF Synthonic Pop Shaded - Unknown license
  29. SF Synthonic Pop Shaded - Unknown license
  30. SF Synthonic Pop Condensed - Unknown license
  31. SF Synthonic Pop Condensed - Unknown license
  32. Ame Chan Pop Maru by Norio Kanisawa, $40.00
    I make this font imaging rounded candy, this theme is cute and round but you can use scenes less often. Because the circle is interrupted in places such as voiced points and parts of kanji(chinese characters), it may be fun to look for it. It corresponds to Hiragana · Katakana · Alphabet · Numerals · Symbols · Kanji(chinese characters). You can also write vertically. You can use it easily, because it contains JIS first · second level, and IBM extended Kanji(about 6700chinese characters). This font is bold, recommended to use it for headlines and prominent places. It might be good for shop pop etc. Because it is soft, pop and cheerful impression, I recommend it for contents for children. About the name, I like Osaka, and I thought "This font's name that is loved by everyone", and since the sound is also cute, I attached the word "Amechan". I heard they called candy as "Amechan" in Osaka, and some madam in Osaka always have candy, and give it to people. I think this font gives happy feeling to you and people look it, like madam in Osaka gives "Amechan". <「あめちゃんポップ まる」紹介文> ころころ丸っこい飴玉をイメージして、「丸くてかわいいけどシーンをあまり選ばずに使えるフォント」をテーマに作りました。 濁点や漢字の一部など、所々に丸がまぎれてますので、探してみるのも楽しいかもしれません。 ひらがな・カタカナ・アルファベット・数字・記号類・漢字に対応。縦書きもできます。 漢字はJIS第一水準・第二水準・IBM拡張漢字(約6700文字)に対応しているので、使いやすいかと思います。 太めのフォントなので、見出しや目立つ場所に使うのがオススメです。お店のポップなどにもいいかもしれません。 柔らかくポップで元気な印象なので、子供向けのコンテンツにもオススメします。 名称については、大阪が好きなのと「皆に愛されるような名前を」と思って、響きも可愛いので「あめちゃん」という単語を名前につけました。 大阪では飴のことを「あめちゃん」と言うらしく、大阪のおばちゃんの中にはいつも飴を持っている方もいるそうで、色んな人にその飴をあげるそうです。 大阪のおばちゃんが「あめちゃん」をくれる時みたいに、使ったり見てくださる方の心があったかくなるようなフォントになればいいなぁ、と思います。 <スタイルカテゴリー> ファンシー、装飾
  33. Marsh Mallow Pop Heart by Norio Kanisawa, $40.00
    MarshmallowPopHeart is a cute font that imagined a sweet marshmallow. Since hearts are mingled in various places such as voiced points and parts of kanji(chinese characters), it may be fun to look for it. Because the heart is missing, it is recommended for when you want to designing cute. I think whether it's good for contents for young ladies. Because it is a thick font, it may be good to use it for headlines and where you want to make it stand out. It corresponds to Hiragana · Katakana · Alphabet · Numerals · Symbols · Kanji(chinese characters). You can also write vertically. You can use it easily, because it contains JIS first · second level, and IBM extended Kanji(about 6700chinese characters). I think it's better to become a font that makes people who use or watch them fluffy and feel happy like when eating a pastel colorful sweet marshmallow. <「ましゅまろポップ ハート」紹介文> ぷにぷにの丸っこい甘いマシュマロをイメージしたかわいいフォントです。 濁点や漢字の一部など、色んな場所にハートが紛れ込んでいるので、探してみるのも楽しいかもしれません。 ハートが紛れ込んでいるので、かわいくデザインしたい場合などにオススメです。 若い女性向けコンテンツにもいいかと思います。 太めのフォントなので、見出しや目立たせたい所に使うのも良いかも知れません。 ひらがな・カタカナ・アルファベット・数字・記号類・漢字を収録、縦書きもできます。 漢字はJIS第一水準・第二水準・IBM拡張漢字に対応(約6700文字)してますので、使い勝手も良いかと思います。 パステルカラーのカラフルな甘いマシュマロを食べる時みたいに、使ったり見てくださる方がふわふわ幸せな気持ちになれるフォントになればいいなぁ…と思います。 <スタイルカテゴリー> ファンシー、装飾
  34. Top Secret - 100% free
  35. Big Top - Unknown license
  36. Escape Pod - Unknown license
  37. Pot roaster - Unknown license
  38. Top Speed - Unknown license
  39. Gilgongo Pap - Unknown license
  40. Top Bond - Unknown license
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