“The Emperor Has Clothes” Like in music — the Allegro Sonata form consists of three main sections—the Exposition (section), the Development, and the Recapitulation — so in regard to this Allegro Sonata font family — there is an Exposition (font), a Development, and a Recapitulation—in which each theme is restated alongside its development material. While the Recapitulation font is perfect for titling and branding, the Exposition is perfect for branding {as demonstrated in the Inspiration Gallery pertaining this font} as well as being a comfortable read in long runs of text. The Exposition rounded, mono-line, with great x height, contemporary—A Synthesis Between Geometric & Hand-drawn—font, is at times geometric and at times hand drawn; in the end it all came down to finding the balance in a typeface between the robustness needed to function as a text face and enough refinement to look good as a display font. Following the Exposition, comes the Development (section), decorative, botanic-like, exuberant and playful font, signifying ABUNDANCE [of possibilities] & BENEVOLENCE—in regard to each theme/character, and to demonstrate—that 'structures' in music, are solid structures—like architecture {contrary to the words of J. W. von Goethe, who said: “Music is liquid architecture; Architecture is frozen music”}, just in some spiritual domain that is far beyond one's physical senses to grasp. Like in my art and music works in which I consider its 'Texture' element of vital importance, so is the case when it comes to type, as apparent in my previous Phone Pro/Polyphony font, as well as in this current Sonata Allegro/Development font. Each glyph has its own uniqueness, and when meeting with others, will provide dynamic and pleasing proximity. And due to the [individualistic] nature of this Development font, just a minimal amount of kerning/pairing were necessary... The development font is an extravagant design that looks best when used at large sizes—perfect for titling, logo, product packaging, branding project, wedding, or just used to express words against some [light or dark] background. Finally, “The (Exposition Font) Emperor Has (the Development Font) Clothes!” As said, there are three fonts/styles altogether in this Sonata Allegro type family, designed with the intention of harmonizing between Latin and Hebrew, which makes it an ideal font for the side-by-side use of Latin and Hebrew characters. However, they are being sold separately (kindly search for “Sonata Allegro Hebrew” on this MyFonts site), so they are economical for those interested just in either one of them. My aim is to shake up the type-design world with a range of distinctive fonts which break away from the generic letterforms, to make your design projects stand out—as a graphic designer, add this font to your most creative ideas for projects. This typeface has [lots of ligatures /] OpenType features, to enhance your designs even more — happy designing! Sonata Allegro Features: · 3 Weights/Styles · Multilingual Support · Proportional Figures & Ligatures While using this product, if you encounter any problem or spot something we may have missed, please don't hesitate to write to us; we would love to hear your feedback—in order to further fine-tune our products. Copyright Tamar Fonts/Hillel Glueck 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any unauthorized distribution of my work is strictly prohibited, and will be prosecuted; do the right thing, and do not participate in the piracy of my typefaces; if you appreciate my work, then please pay for it and help me prosper — thank you!