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  1. M Curvy HK by Monotype HK, $523.99
    M Curvy’s design breaks the mould of traditional Chinese characters to construct a brand new style. Referencing a traditional Chinese calligraphic style that is written with the brush suspended in mid-air, the flow between strokes within each character is free and smooth in this typeface. With an even stroke density. M Curvy is legible, gentle, yet stable, combining tradition and innovation.
  2. Curly Shuffle NF by Nick's Fonts, $10.00
    A collision between fine, fat caps developed by legendary letterer Alf Becker, and a squirrely, curly, uncredited lowercase uncovered by artist Leslie Cabarga produced this merry romp through the alphabet. The Postscript and Truetype versions contain a complete Latin language character set (Unicode 1252); in addition, the Opentype version supports Unicode 1250 (Central European) languages as well.
  3. Curly Lava Bubble by TypoGraphicDesign, $15.00
    CONCEPT/ CHARACTERISTICS The lava/soap/pudding character of the font reminds us of a modern bitmap pixel font. »Curly lava bubble« goes even further. The rectangular hard edges expands to soft and almost organic forms. APPLICATION AREA The fancy, modern & decorative font »curly lava bubble« would look good at dis­play size for party flyer & movie pos­ter, music covers or head­lines in maga­zi­nes or websites… TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Head­line Font | Dis­play Font | Decorative Font »curly lava bubble« with 3 stlyes (light, regu­lar, bold) & 305 gly­phs inkl. accents & € KONZEPT/BESONDERHEITEN Der Lava/Seifenblasen/Pudding Charakter der Schrift lässt an eine moderne Bitmap Pixel Schrift erinnern. Wobei »curly lava bubble« noch weiter geht und die harten rechteckigen Kanten zu weichen und fast schon organischen Formen ausbaut. EINSATZGEBIETE Der Font würde sich über fol­gende Gebiete sehr freuen und sich dort wohl füh­len: Logos/Wortmarken aller Art, Flyer für fast jede Party, Plat­ten­Co­ver, CD-Cover, Pla­kat­De­sign, Game- und Video­spiel-Design aller Gen­res, als Head­line­schrift für print und digi­tale Maga­zine, Bücher, Web­sei­ten… TECHNISCHE INFORMATIONEN Head­line Font | Dis­play Font | Deko Font »curly lava bubble« Open­Type Font mit 3 Schrift­schnit­ten (light, regu­lar, bold) & 305 Gly­phen inkl. dia­kri­ti­sches Zei­chen & €
  4. Shuli Curly MF by Masterfont, $59.00
  5. M Curvy PRC by Monotype HK, $523.99
    M Curvy’s design breaks the mould of traditional Chinese characters to construct a brand new style. Referencing a traditional Chinese calligraphic style that is written with the brush suspended in mid-air, the flow between strokes within each character is free and smooth in this typeface. With an even stroke density. M Curvy is legible, gentle, yet stable, combining tradition and innovation.
  6. Twist n Curves - Personal use only
  7. Linear Curve Fatty - Unknown license
  8. D3 Beatmapism Curve - Unknown license
  9. Natural Curves OG by Kingpin Designs, $9.00
    'Natural Curves OG' is a friendly typeface that works seamlessly without any trimmings. It's perfect for giving any work a hand-drawn look and feel. The typeface is balanced so the eye doesn't move straight to any singular letter, which means that creating a hierarchy with other elements in your design is simple. Colour blocking to support brand identity is easy with this typeface, and it adds character simply and authentically. This typeface was created for my own brand's identity, and it's been great to add splashes of art in the form of type all over my website and collateral.
  10. Habibi by Habibi Shaikh, $99.00
    Its Indian language Hindi/Marathi mixed with English alphabets for exp. A mixed with Hindi type (A)
  11. LUCKY TYPEWRITER - Personal use only
  12. Anha Queen VMF - Personal use only
  13. Shipped Goods 1 (Personal Use) - Personal use only
  14. Romantyc Paradise - Personal use only
  15. Jellyka King's Hat - Personal use only
  16. Landliebe - Unknown license
  17. Spahrty Girl - Unknown license
  18. Baldur - Personal use only
  19. Waterfalls - Unknown license
  20. Canker Sore - Unknown license
  21. Latchboy - Unknown license
  22. Goofball - Unknown license
  23. Dearest Dorothy - Unknown license
  24. Spiraling - Unknown license
  25. Nostalgic - Unknown license
  26. Caffe Latte - Personal use only
  27. HipnOtik - Unknown license
  28. Beauvoir Demo - Unknown license
  29. Freeze! - Unknown license
  30. Single Gyrl - Unknown license
  31. D3 Spiralism - Unknown license
  32. Oliver - Unknown license
  33. Santas Big Secret BB - Personal use only
  34. Floozy - Unknown license
  35. the Gingerbread House - Unknown license
  36. Eskargot - Unknown license
  37. Swirly - Unknown license
  38. quiñók - Unknown license
  39. Graphic Stylin NF by Nick's Fonts, $10.00
    The letterforms are based on Inserat Cursive, a bold script popular in the late nineteenth century; the treatment was suggested by cover artwork for Graphic Styles from Victorian to Post-Modern, written by Stephen Heller and designed by Seymour Chwast. Included in the font are several handy ink blots (section mark and superior numbers positions), a stylish tailpiece (florin position), and a couple of ink bottles patterned after those on the bookcover (bar and broken bar).
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