The Waldorfschrift family was created in digital form in the years 1993-1994 by Joachim Frank, inspired by the naturally organic letters from the anthroposophical movement of the 20th century of Rudolf Steiner . In nature there are no right angles, straight lines or complete uniformity, but instead round corners, varying thicknesses and all kinds of variability. This is what the anthroposophical movement created in their buildings, their art, in their music – and also in their lettering. And this Font is like the plants in nature: it grows upwards, branches out, letters hugs to some letters, with others they keeps more distance, some letters proudly stretch their belly, others crouch in the corner - a completely natural font. Take a look at the brand of Weleda (the natural cosmetics company), Demeter (one of the biggest organic foods companies), Filderklinik (a great anthroposophical hospital in Germany) and you will see these great companies work with different but organic letter styles. More recently, Joachim revisited the Waldorf fonts with modern type design software and added extra characters such as the euro sign, and extra weights to make the fonts useable for a wide variety of design tasks. Dez 21: A big update: All fonts have been digitized again and given a complete character set, new kerning, minor bugs removed.