3,193 search results (0.029 seconds)
  1. Optien, crafted by the talented typographer Måns Grebäck, is a font that stands out for its sleek and modern design, imbued with a sense of sophistication and versatility. This typeface is a testamen...
  2. Scriptina Pro by CheapProFonts is an exquisite font that has captivated the hearts of designers and typographers with its elegant and whimsical charm. A refined version of the original Scriptina font...
  3. Fibel Nord, designed by Peter Wiegel, is a distinctive font that stands out for its clear and elegant design. This typeface borrows its inspiration from the traditional school fonts used in education...
  4. Alright, diving into the world of typography, Phosphorus Selenide is one cool font that captures attention almost immediately. Crafted by the creative minds at Apostrophic Labs, this font isn’t your ...
  5. As of my last update in April 2023, the font named "Commonwealth2" isn't widely recognized in major font catalogs or among standard typeface collections. Therefore, my description here will lean on s...
  6. The font named "abc" by Weknow is a distinctive typeface that showcases the creativity and artistic versatility of its creator, Weknow. Weknow is well-known for his prolific output of unique fonts, o...
  7. As of my last knowledge update in April 2023, the font named Albatross created by Altsys Metamorphosis is not universally recognized in the catalog of commonly utilized or well-documented typefaces. ...
  8. Cubicle is an intriguing font style that exudes a blend of modernity and meticulous design, tailored for both digital and print mediums. It plays a pivotal role in delivering messages with a crisp an...
  9. As of my last update in April 2023, there is no widely recognized font specifically named "Chlorinej". However, let's imagine a font with this unique name and what characteristics it might embody, dr...
  10. KR Hockey Dings by Kat Rakos is an interesting and unique font that taps into the spirit and enthusiasm of hockey culture. Crafted with creativity and a playful heart, this font isn't your typical te...
  11. As of my last update in early 2023, the font named "Irrep" created by Utopiafonts isn't specifically well-documented in mainstream font directories or prominently featured in the typographic resource...
  12. As of my last update in April 2023, there isn't a widely recognized font specifically named "Tecate." This could suggest you're referring to a custom or niche typeface not extensively cataloged in ma...
  13. "Linearmente," a font crafted by the creative minds at Jambo!, is a striking embodiment of modern design principles merged with minimalist aesthetics. At its core, Linearmente is built on the foundat...
  14. The Vector Battle font by Freaky Fonts is a unique and striking typeface that draws heavy inspiration from the retro video gaming universe, particularly the arcade games of the 1980s. This font seems...
  15. Sure thing! "SCRIPT 9" isn't a standard or widely recognized font name that I'm aware of, as of my last update. However, let's dive into imagining what SCRIPT 9 could be, based on what we know about ...
  16. Ah, the NAUJOKSLOVE font, the very essence of what happens when a designer decides that the alphabet had one too many glasses of romantic comedy and decided to waltz through the moonlight! Crafted by...
  17. Picture this: you're about to pen a love letter, the old-fashioned way. You dip your quill in ink, but instead of pressing it to parchment, you tap away at your keyboard and, voilá, out comes Jayne S...
  18. Picture this: "Teen Spirit" by Steven J. Lundeen is not just a font; it's the embodiment of youth rebellion, a visual shout that echoes through the halls of high school, sticking it to the man with e...
  19. The Penelope font, crafted by Dieter Steffmann, stands as a testament to the unique blend of artistic flourish and classical sensibility. This font is remarkably distinct, primarily due to Steffmann'...
  20. As of my last knowledge update in early 2023, there isn't a widely recognized or specific font known as "Kijkwijzer" within the general libraries of typography that artists and designers commonly ref...
  21. Agmena Paneuropean by Linotype, $103.99
    Agmena™ has no historical precursor; it was designed from scratch by Jovica Veljovi? whose aim was to create a new book typeface. Although it generally has certain similarities with the group of Renaissance Antiqua fonts, it is not clearly derived from any of these. Clear and open forms, large counters and a relatively generous x-height ensure that the characters that make up Agmena are readily legible even in small point sizes. The slightly tapering serifs with their curved attachments to letter stems soften the rigidity of the typeface, bringing Agmena to life. This non-formal quality is further enhanced by numerous tiny variations to the letter shapes. For example, there are slight differences to the terminals of the b", the "d" and the "h" and minor dissimilarities in the forms and lengths of serifs of many of the letters. The tittles over the "i" and "j" and those of the German umlauts are almost circular, while the diamond shape that is more characteristic of a calligraphic script is used for the punctuation marks. Although many of these variations are only apparent on closer inspection, they are enough to give Agmena the feeling of a hand-made typeface. It is in the larger point sizes that this feature of Agmena comes particularly into play, and individual characters gain an almost sculptural quality. The italic variants of Agmena are actually real cursives. The narrower and thus markedly dynamically formed lowercase letters have a wider range of contrast in terms of line thickness and have the appearance of having been manually produced with a quill thanks to the variations in their terminals. The lowercase "a" assumes a closed form and the "f" has a descender. The italic capitals, on the other hand, have been consciously conceived to act as a stabilising element, although the way they have been inclined does not produce a simply mechanical effect. This visual convergence with the upright characters actually means that it is possible to use letters from both styles in combination. Agmena is available in four weights: Book, Regular, Semibold and Bold, and each has its matching italic variant. Veljovi? designed Book and Regular not only to provide an optical balance between various point sizes, such as between that used for the text and that used in footnotes, but also to take account of different paper forms: Regular for lined paper and Book for publishing paper. Agmena's range of characters leaves nothing to be desired. All variants include small caps and various numeral sets with oldstyle and lining figures for setting proportional text and table columns. Thanks to its pan-European language support, Agmena can be used to set texts not only in languages that use the Latin alphabet as it also features Cyrillic and Greek characters. The set of standard ligatures has been extended to include special combinations for setting Greek and Serbian. Agmena also has some initial letters, alternative glyphs and ornaments. Agmena is a poetic text font with forms and spacing that have been optimised over years of work to provide a typeface that is ideal for setting books. But its letters also cut a good figure in the larger font sizes thanks to their individual, vibrant and, in some cases, sculptural effects. Its robust forms are not merely suited to a printed environment, but are also at home among the complex conditions on terminal screens. You can thus also use Agmena as a web font when designing your internet page."Agmena has received the Certificate of Excellence in Type Design at the Type Directors Club of New York TDC2 competition in 2013.
  22. Reina Neue by Lián Types, $29.00
    Hey! See Reina Neue in action here! INTRODUCTION When I designed the first Reina¹ circa 2010, I was at the dawn of my career as a type designer. The S{o}TA, short for the Society of Typographic Aficionados, described it as complex display typeface incorporating hairline flourishes to a nicely heavy romantic letterform². And it was like that; that’s what I was pursuing at that time since I was very passionate about ornaments and accolades of Calligraphy. Why? I felt that Typography, in general, needed more of them. These subtle flourishes could breathe life into letters. Maybe, I thought it was the only way I could propose something new into the field of type. However, after some years, I came across a very interesting quote: –Beautiful things don’t ask for attention– Wow! What did this mean? How could something be attractive if it’s not actually showing it. Could this be applied to my work? Sure. I think every type-designer goes through this process (aka crisis) regarding his or her career. At the beginning we love everything. We are kind of blind, we only see the big picture of a project. And that’s not because we are lazy. We actually can’t see the small mistakes nor the subtleties that make something simpler beautiful. We are not able. But, the small subtleties… They are actually everything: With experience, one puts more attention into the details and learns that every single decision in type has to be first meticulously planned. Here I am now, introducing a new Reina, because I felt there was a lot of it that could be improved, also the novelty of Variable Fonts caught my attention and I had to take that to my type library. THE FONT A thing of beauty is a joy forever Now, a decade later, I’m presenting Reina Neue. This font is not just an update of its predecessor: –A thing of beauty is a joy forever– is the first line of the poem ‘Endymion’ by John Keats, and despite the meaning of “beauty” may vary from person to person, and even from time to time (as read in the last paragraph), with Reina I always wanted to bring joy to the eye. In 2010, and now, in 2020. I believe the font is today much better in every aspect. It was entirely re-designed: Its shapes and morphology in general are much more clean and pure. The range of uses for it is now wider: While the old Reina consisted in just one weight, Reina Neue was converted into a big family of many weights, even with italics, smallcaps and layered styles. The idea behind the font, this kind of enveloping atmosphere made out of flourishes, is still here in the new Reina. This time easier to get amazing results due to the big amount of available alternates per glyph and also more loyal from a systemic point of view. However, and as read in the introduction -Beautiful things don’t ask for attention-, if none of the flourishes are activated the font will look very attractive anyway. Reina Neue is ready to be used in book covers, magazines, wedding cards, dazzling posters, storefronts, clothing, perfumes, wine labels and logos of all kind. Like it happened with the previous Reina, I hope this new font satisfies every design project around the world if used, and can be a joy forever. SOME INSTRUCTIONS Before choosing the right style for your project, hear my advice: -Reina Neue Display was meant to be used at big sizes. If you plan to print the font smaller than 72pt, I suggest using Reina Neue, not Display. Otherwise, if the font will be BIG or used on a digital platform, Reina Neue Display should be your choice. For even smaller sizes, use Reina Neue Small. This style was tested and printed in 12pt with nice results. (Note for variable fonts: Print them in outlines) -Reina Italic is not a slanted version of the roman, and this means some flourishes are different between each other. The Italic version has other kind of swirls. More conservative, in general. -All the styles of Reina Capitals have Small Capitals inside. -Reina Capitals Shine should be used/paired ONLY with Reina Capitals Black. The engraved feeling can be achieved if Reina Capitals Black and Reina Capitals Shine are used as layers, with the same word. Variable fonts instructions: -For more playful versions, choose Reina Neue VF, Reina Neue Italic VF or Reina Neue Capitals VF: With them you can adjust between 3 axes: Weight (will change the weight of the font) – Optic Size (will thicken/lighten the thin strokes and open/close the tracking) – Accolades (will modify the weight of the active flourishes). SOME VIDEOS OF REINA NEUE VF https://youtu.be/8cImmT5bpQM https://youtu.be/1icWfPmKAkg https://youtu.be/YC9GkJDL1a8 NOTES 1. The original Reina, from a decade ago: https://www.myfonts.com/fonts/argentina-lian-types/reina/ 2. In 2011, Reina received an honourable mention by S{o}TA. “Great skill is shown in the detailing, and an excellent feel for the correct flow of curves and displacement of stroke weight.” https://www.typesociety.org/catalyst/2011/ Reina was featured in the “Most Popular Fonts of the year” in MyFonts in 2011 https://www.myfonts.com/newsletters/sp/201201.html In 2012, the font was also selected in Tipos Latinos, the most prestigious competition of type in Latinoamerica. https://www.tiposlatinos.com/bienales/quinta-bienal-tl2012/resultados Also, chose as a “Favorite font of the year” in Typographica. https://typographica.org/typeface-reviews/reina/
  23. Ah, the Action Man font by Iconian Fonts, you say? Let's dive into its charismatic and spirited design that seems to leap off the page! Created with a nod to adventurous spirits and dynamic energy,...
  24. Alas, I can't access up-to-date databases or specific document collections to provide current or exclusive information on particular fonts including "GoodCityModern Plain" by Altsys Metamorphosis. Bu...
  25. As of my last update in April 2023, I must note that specific details about a font named "Kero Font" could be subject to the context in which it is being referenced, including its designer's intent, ...
  26. As of my last update in April 2023, there is no widely recognized font named "Switzerland" by a foundry or designer known as "2 The Left Typefaces." However, let's explore a speculative description b...
  27. As of my last update, I don't have direct access to databases or the internet to provide real-time or highly specific descriptions of lesser-known or proprietary fonts, such as "PetalGlyph" by Essqué...
  28. Given my current limitations, I can't provide real-time or copyrighted information on a specific font named "UNC" by MyFox if it exists post my knowledge cutoff in April 2023 or is otherwise not wide...
  29. Once upon a whimsical time in the bustling town of Typeface Village, there lived a jovial and somewhat rotund font named Balloon. Oh, Balloon! With curves as bouncy and spirit as buoyant as its names...
  30. As of my last update in early 2023, the font Mops, designed by Uwe Borchert, may not be widely recognized in mainstream font inventories or among the popular choices for graphic designers and typogra...
  31. As of my last knowledge update in April 2023, Architect by Altsys Metamorphosis is not widely recognized as one of the mainstream fonts, and detailed information specifically referencing a font named...
  32. Bitstream Vera Sans is like a welcoming friend in the world of typography, offering a clean, clear, and versatile appearance that feels at home in a multitude of designs. Imagined and created by the ...
  33. As of my last update in 2023, the font named "Avatar" could refer to one specifically designed or inspired by the visual and textual elements associated with the media franchise of the same name, suc...
  34. Gather round, fellow digital travelers, for the tale of Verdana, the oft-overlooked hero of our screens. Born in the digital renaissance of the 1990s, Verdana was a child prodigy among fonts, designe...
  35. As of my last update in April 2023, "Shot" is a font created by The Type Fetish, a foundry known for its collection of unique and eclectic typefaces. The Type Fetish, founded by Michael Wallner, prid...
  36. Mistress Script is a distinctive font crafted by Apostrophic Labs, a collective known for their innovative and diverse typeface designs. While I can't provide real-time or very specific details about...
  37. American Dream, as conceptualized by the designer Chloe, is a font that captures the essence of aspiration, nostalgia, and the enduring spirit of the American ethos. From the first glance, it's clear...
  38. As of my last update in 2023, there isn't a widely recognized or specific font named "Clearblock Circular." However, it appears you might be referring to a concept that blends characteristics of two ...
  39. As of my last update, the Hancock font might not be as universally recognized as some of the mainstream typefaces like Helvetica or Times New Roman. However, assuming it follows the typical character...
  40. The font named SpideRaY, created by the designer or entity known as SpideRaY, embodies a distinctive blend of creativity and character that sets it apart in the realm of typography. At its core, Spid...
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