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  1. Bodoni Highlight by Image Club, $29.99
    Giambattista Bodoni (1740-1813) was called the King of Printers; he was a prolific type designer, a masterful engraver of punches and the most widely admired printer of his time. His books and typefaces were created during the 45 years he was the director of the fine press and publishing house of the Duke of Parma in Italy. He produced the best of what are known as modern" style types, basing them on the finest writing of his time. Modern types represented the ultimate typographic development of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. They have characteristics quite different from the types that preceded them; such as extreme vertical stress, fine hairlines contrasted by bold main strokes, and very subtle, almost non-existent bracketing of sharply defined hairline serifs. Bodoni saw this style as beautiful and harmonious-the natural result of writing done with a well-cut pen, and the look was fashionable and admired. Other punchcutters, such as the Didot family (1689-1853) in France, and J. E. Walbaum (1768-1839) in Germany made their own versions of the modern faces. Even though some nineteenth century critics turned up their noses and called such types shattering and chilly, today the Bodoni moderns are seen in much the same light as they were in his own time. When used with care, the Bodoni types are both romantic and elegant, with a presence that adds tasteful sparkle to headlines and advertising. This version of Bodoni was done by Morris Fuller Benton for American Typefounders between 1907 and 1911. Although some of the finer details of the original Bodoni types are missing, this family has the high contrast and vertical stress typical of modern types. It works well for headlines, logos, advertising, and text."
  2. Bauer Bodoni by Linotype, $45.99
    Giambattista Bodoni (1740-1813) was called the King of Printers; he was a prolific type designer, a masterful engraver of punches and the most widely admired printer of his time. His books and typefaces were created during the 45 years he was the director of the fine press and publishing house of the Duke of Parma in Italy. He produced the best of what are known as "modern" style types, basing them on the finest writing of his time. Modern types represented the ultimate typographic development of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. They have characteristics quite different from the types that preceded them; such as extreme vertical stress, fine hairlines contrasted by bold main strokes, and very subtle, almost non-existent bracketing of sharply defined hairline serifs. Bodoni saw this style as beautiful and harmonious-the natural result of writing done with a well-cut pen, and the look was fashionable and admired. Other punchcutters, such as the Didot family (1689-1853) in France, and J. E. Walbaum (1768-1839) in Germany made their own versions of the modern faces. Even though some nineteenth century critics turned up their noses and called such types shattering and chilly, today the Bodoni moderns are seen in much the same light as they were in his own time. When used with care, the Bodoni types are both romantic and elegant, with a presence that adds tasteful sparkle to headlines and advertising. The Bauer Bodoni was done by Heinrich Jost for Bauer Typefoundry in 1927. This version has finer details of the original Bodoni types. It works well for headlines, logos, advertising.
  3. Bodoni Roma by BA Graphics, $45.00
    An elegant take on Bodoni, with its subtle flared serifs that give it a very beautiful distinguished look.
  4. Poster Bodoni by Tilde, $39.75
  5. Sahara Bodoni by BA Graphics, $45.00
    An ultra heavy redesigned Bodoni look, extremely powerful but yet very elegant.
  6. Monotype Bodoni by Monotype, $40.99
    Bodoni expresses the beginning of the Industrial Revolution; its serifs are flat, think and unbracketed, while the stress is always on the mathematically vertical strokes. Bodoni believed in plenty of white space and therefore descenders are long. The M is rather narrow; in the Q the tail at first descends vertically and the R has a curled tail. The italic, like most continental modern faces, has roman serifs. Monotype Bodoni provides a clear-cut effect due to its simplicity. It reproduces well, particularly in sizes over 12pt. This font is slightly darker than Bauer Bodoni. The contrast makes Monotype Bodoni appear more condensed.
  7. Bodoni Serial by SoftMaker, $15.99
  8. Shore Bodoni by BA Graphics, $45.00
    A Bold new re cut of Bodoni, designed with a more contemporary look. Also has matching Italic.
  9. Donna Bodoni by Wiescher Design, $39.50
    DonnaBodoni was inspired by David Farey. He once wrote, somebody should honor the widow of Giambattista Bodoni the brave Signora Paola Margherita Dall 'Aglio for her effort to have the Manuale tipografico di Giambattista Bodoni published after his death. Since I have redesigned a good deal of Bodoni’s work and added some of my own, I thought it was my duty to do at least this for Bodoni’s unknown widow. Here is my 3-cut script in her honor. The design is remotely based on Bodoni’s English-Initials. Your honorable Gert Wiescher
  10. Eurotypo Bodoni by Eurotypo, $48.00
    Talking about the numerous types that today bear the name of Giambattista Bodoni are a kind of tribute as much to his reputation as a printer as to his ability as designer and engraver. In fact, all of them tent to be more in the way or style of Bodoni than simply copy of his letterforms. Like many other type designers, we’ve been seduced also to develop our own point of view of his work, nowadays enriched by some features of OpenType format that allows a variety of combinations: standard ligatures, discretional ligatures, stylistic alternates and old styles figures. Whereas the Bodoni serif in the capitals was of the same weight as the thin stroke but joined with a very slight fillet (Bracket) and the lowercase serif were like his French rivals, the Didots, featured straight- edged serifs that were unbracketed. The ascenders and descenders of this new Bodoni are shorter, giving in this way, more space for enlarge x high. Specially designed for editorial design and advertising, can be used in magazines, annual reports and all kind of fine print materials or web pages. The beauty of his letterforms can enrich headlines; this font can also be used as body text for its good legibility and accurate kerning.
  11. Bodoni Sans by J Foundry, $25.00
    Bodoni Sans is a new classic built on the foundation of two centuries of history. Fresh and contemporary, while feeling familiar. Stylish and sophisticated, confident and elegant. Bodoni Sans is more than just chopping off the serifs. The classical proportions of the capitals and x-heights were maintained, but the letterforms were rebalanced for use without serifs. Contemporary modifications were made to some widths, as well as an all new Light weight was created. High contrast is the key feature of Bodoni Sans. To maintain this contrast over a wide range of sizes, three optical sizes were drawn: Standard, Display and Text. Contrast adjustments were made for each optical size for optimal performance. The Standard was designed for the mid range of 12 to 60pt, Display for 48pt and above, and Text for 6 to 12pt. Web/Digital use was also considered while developing Bodoni Sans. The fonts were tested as web formats, and examined on a variety of screens, to ensure seamless use in both print and digital applications.
  12. Bodoni Comedia by Wiescher Design, $39.50
    Bodoni Comedia is for the funny, happy things in life. I really enjoyed doing this one. - your funny type designer Gert Wiescher
  13. Bodoni Poster by Linotype, $29.99
    Giambattista Bodoni (1740–1813) was called the King of Printers and the Bodoni font owes its creation in 1767 to his masterful cutting techniques. Predecessors in a similar style were the typefaces of Pierre Simon Fournier (1712–1768) and the Didot family (1689–1836). The Bodoni font distinguishes itself through the strength of its characters and embodies the rational thinking of the Enlightenment. The new typefaces displaced the Old Face and Transitional styles and was the most popular typeface until the mid-19th century. Bodoni’s influence on typography was dominant until the end of the 19th century and even today inspires new creations. Working with this font requires care, as the strong emphasis of the vertical strokes and the marked contrast between the fine and thick lines lessens Bodoni’s legibility, and the font is therefore better in larger print with generous spacing. Chauncey H. Griffith’s Poster Bodoni displays characteristics of the advertisement fonts of the first half of the 20th century. The font was most often used for posters and signs, eventually including neon signs.
  14. Bodoni Ornamental by FontMesa, $30.00
    New for 2020 Bodoni Ornamental now has two italics to choose from, one basic italic and a second which is more of a true italic with a few uppercase letters that have been stylized. Only one italic can be style linked to the regular upright version so in the second italic we've added Avanti to the name which means forward in Italian. When purchasing the regular upright and Avanti italic together they will install as two separate families. Bodoni Ornamental is a revival of a very old typeface based on the Poster Bodoni letter shape. Giambattista Bodoni passed away in 1813, this decorative version was created in the 1820’s or 1830’s which was the time period when many of these ultra bold decorated type faces began to appear, the original artist is currently unknown. The original version of this ornate classic was only available as a set of uppercase letters, today over one hundred eighty years later this font is now complete with a new lowercase, numbers and accented characters for Eastern, Central and Western European countries. Due to the ornate detail in Bodoni Ornamental when printing itís recommended to use a laser printer 600dpi or greater, a 1200dpi printer will give you the best results rendering the most detail at the smallest possible point size for this font. Small home user Ink Jet printers are not recommended for Bodoni Ornamental unless you set the font to a very large point size. With Ink Jet printers much of the detail in the letters will bleed together as the ink hits the page, commercial Ink Jet printers such as GiclÈe printers may give good results. When using Bodoni Ornamental for digital images including web site graphics it may help to add a one pixel stroke fill around the letters setting color to white or grey, this may help the web site images display better on some computer's. You will need a photo editing application such as Adobe Photoshop to create your image adding the stroke fill and save as a jpg , png or gif file. I hope you enjoy this old font as much as I did making it. Note: When previewing the Bodoni Ornamental font in the Windows font preview you may notice some letters appearing lighter and some darker, this is a problem with the preview window and some ornate fonts, Bodoni Ornamental will print normal and not with mixed light and dark letters.
  15. Bodoni Classic by Wiescher Design, $55.00
    I became interested in designing Bodoni Classic because of a lazy graphic designer at Jacques Damase publishing house. He had to change a single letter on a bookcover about J. B. BODONI. The French call him Jean Baptiste instead of Giambattista! And that unknown graphic designer just took any old “J” from some newly cut Bodoni. All the new Bodoni cuts have square serifs, whereas the originals had rounded serifs and slightly concave feet. The single letter “J” with the squared off serif was for me like a road sign to start redesigning the entire Bodoni family. That’s exactly what I started in 1993 and a dozen years later I am finished. Okay, I am still adding new Bodoni Classics, but those are my personal additions. Recently I designed a family of seven »Bodonian Script« fonts, that can be mixed with most of my Bodonis. Yours very retro, Gert Wiescher
  16. Bodoni Unique by Monotype, $29.99
    This Bodoni caps only font was an experiment from Dave Farey how tall such a Bodoni could be elongated in its design. It reminds to the look of a fence, but in large sizes it may fit on a narrow window.
  17. Bodoni FB by Font Bureau, $40.00
    Working at American Type Founders from a Bruce Foundry recutting, Morris Fuller Benton worked out the dramatics of the English Fat Face, and in 1928 produced Ultra Bodoni, a headline spectacular. Using Benton’s 1933 Ultra Bodoni Extra Condensed, Richard Lipton digitized Bodoni FB Bold Condensed, then took compression even further and designed Bodoni FB Bold Compressed, a real technical tour de force; FB 1992
  18. Tecna Light Right Triangle BNF by Descarflex, $30.00
    The Tecn@ Dark&Light Triangle Background Nomenclature Font family is differentiated by the direction of the triangle tip in the 4 cardinal points. The family were designed to head, enumerate, indicate or highlight writings or design plans, for this reason, the characters are available only in capital letters and some signs or symbols that can serve such purposes. A triangle or empty character is included so that the user can use it overlaying any character of his choice or to be used alone.
  19. Boogie Nights NF Pro by CheapProFonts, $10.00
    A typical Art Deco font. I have redesigned the uppercase “S” to mach the lowercase, tweaked a little here and there - and completely redesigned all the diacritics (which didn't really match the letter designs). Nick Curtis says: "The inspiration for this font came from a poster for an Austrian trade show from the 1920s, credited simply to Wasserman." ALL fonts from CheapProFonts have very extensive language support: They contain some unusual diacritic letters (some of which are contained in the Latin Extended-B Unicode block) supporting: Cornish, Filipino (Tagalog), Guarani, Luxembourgian, Malagasy, Romanian, Ulithian and Welsh. They also contain all glyphs in the Latin Extended-A Unicode block (which among others cover the Central European and Baltic areas) supporting: Afrikaans, Belarusian (Lacinka), Bosnian, Catalan, Chichewa, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, Greenlandic, Hungarian, Kashubian, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Maori, Polish, Saami (Inari), Saami (North), Serbian (latin), Slovak(ian), Slovene, Sorbian (Lower), Sorbian (Upper), Turkish and Turkmen. And they of course contain all the usual “western” glyphs supporting: Albanian, Basque, Breton, Chamorro, Danish, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galican, German, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish (Gaelic), Italian, Northern Sotho, Norwegian, Occitan, Portuguese, Rhaeto-Romance, Sami (Lule), Sami (South), Scots (Gaelic), Spanish, Swedish, Tswana, Walloon and Yapese.
  20. Tight - Unknown license
  21. Slight by Up Up Creative, $29.00
    Introducing Slight, an elegant, full-featured script font with tons of alternate characters and OpenType features. Hand-lettered with a heavy right slant, Slight is particularly well-suited for invitations, branding, and editorial design. Slight comes with more than 1000 glyphs! Specific OpenType features include contextual alternates, stylistic alternates, initial and final forms, multiple alternate glyphs for many letters (accessed through the glyphs panel), multilingual support (including multiple currency symbols), ligatures, standard numbers, and six ampersand styles. Perhaps the most fun thing about Slight is that it includes multiple versions of all ascending and descending letters, making it lots of fun to play with in your layouts and compositions. The OpenType features can be very easily accessed by using OpenType-savvy programs such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign. (To access these awesome features in Microsoft Word, you'll need to get comfortable with the advanced tab of Word's font menu. If you need help with this, ask me!) Files included: Slight-Regular.otf Mail support : julie@upupcreative.com --- Find inspiration (and sneak peeks at my next font-in-progress) on - Instagram: http://instagram.com/julieatupupcreative - Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/upupcreative - Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/upupcreative - My website: http://upupcreative.com --- PLEASE ENJOY! I can't wait to see what you make with Slight! Feel free to use the #upupcreative and #slightscriptfont tags to show me what you've been up to!
  22. Flight by ITC, $29.99
    Flight is the work of British calligraphic artist Timothy Donaldson, whose specialty is the experimentation with different design tools. Flight is named for the free-flowing lines of its forms which bring to mind a freedom of movement. It was first rendered in pencil using a quick sketching technique. The stem junctions were then carefully thickened to produce a futuristic style without losing its calligraphic origins. The capitals are intended for initialling purposes only. Flight is a lighthearted font with elegant letterforms.
  23. Eight by Zang-O-Fonts, $25.00
    Eight was desinged to be heavily geometric. The main lines were intended to be entirely comprised of lines of eight different but set angles.
  24. Tight by Typodermic, $11.95
    Get ready to boogie down with Tight, the typeface that channels the groovy vibes of vintage tee shirt lettering. Inspired by the iconic disco era of the mid to late 1970s, Tight is the perfect way to celebrate those dancing days. Our retro disco t-shirt typeface is based on old, worn-out samples of Dean Morris’ Quicksilver, the Helvetica of disco. With its misaligned characters and distressed texture, Tight captures the spirit of the era in all its glory. To achieve an even more authentic look, Tight features custom letter pairs that mimic the way real vintage tees looked. And with OpenType-savvy programs, you can swap out certain letter combinations to achieve the perfect look. Just be sure to turn off the “standard ligatures” function to disable the effect and get that true vintage feel. So whether you’re designing a poster for a disco-themed party, creating a retro-inspired logo, or just looking to add some funk to your designs, Tight is the typeface for you. Most Latin-based European writing systems are supported, including the following languages. Afaan Oromo, Afar, Afrikaans, Albanian, Alsatian, Aromanian, Aymara, Bashkir (Latin), Basque, Belarusian (Latin), Bemba, Bikol, Bosnian, Breton, Cape Verdean, Creole, Catalan, Cebuano, Chamorro, Chavacano, Chichewa, Crimean Tatar (Latin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dawan, Dholuo, Dutch, English, Estonian, Faroese, Fijian, Filipino, Finnish, French, Frisian, Friulian, Gagauz (Latin), Galician, Ganda, Genoese, German, Greenlandic, Guadeloupean Creole, Haitian Creole, Hawaiian, Hiligaynon, Hungarian, Icelandic, Ilocano, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Jamaican, Kaqchikel, Karakalpak (Latin), Kashubian, Kikongo, Kinyarwanda, Kirundi, Kurdish (Latin), Latvian, Lithuanian, Lombard, Low Saxon, Luxembourgish, Maasai, Makhuwa, Malay, Maltese, Māori, Moldovan, Montenegrin, Ndebele, Neapolitan, Norwegian, Novial, Occitan, Ossetian (Latin), Papiamento, Piedmontese, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Rarotongan, Romanian, Romansh, Sami, Sango, Saramaccan, Sardinian, Scottish Gaelic, Serbian (Latin), Shona, Sicilian, Silesian, Slovak, Slovenian, Somali, Sorbian, Sotho, Spanish, Swahili, Swazi, Swedish, Tagalog, Tahitian, Tetum, Tongan, Tshiluba, Tsonga, Tswana, Tumbuka, Turkish, Turkmen (Latin), Tuvaluan, Uzbek (Latin), Venetian, Vepsian, Võro, Walloon, Waray-Waray, Wayuu, Welsh, Wolof, Xhosa, Yapese, Zapotec Zulu and Zuni.
  25. Colonial - Unknown license
  26. BodoniXT - 100% free
  27. Badona by gravitart, $29.95
    Badona is a custom typeface which is applicable for web, print especially for magazines, brochures, posters, flyers and motion graphics. Both weights are perfect for logos (light size has an elegant look and the regular one gives a unique feel). Regular size is also applicable for text. Badona has 232 glyphs and supports Turkish and West European languages.
  28. Boldoy by Ardyanatypes, $15.00
    Boldoy is here everyone~ an attractive Typeface with agile and energic character See the beefy trunk? it will attract more attention like telling "hug me" ;) Boldoy come up with many decoration in multilanguage When you put it on the boom cover, it will stopping eye from others. The joyful shape impress a cheerful, clingy, gentle, cute, elephant, which super fit for your summer season Big Boy Boldoy also including alternates and ligatures that will make your idea never run out. It was so playful font but also easy to read and applied in various design styles such as traveling snacks, packaging, logos, event poster, animal lovers, cool T-shirts, and many more design projects. So, ready for play? Enjoy your design playground with BOLDOY
  29. Botany by Adam Ladd, $25.00
    Botany is a distinct, hand-drawn display font with flourish designed to be unique and beautiful, yet functional — carefully drawn for quality but still rough enough to display the handmade, textured appearance. Capitals evoke a natural elegance and grab attention. Botany is great for display, branding, logos, packaging, titles, and more. Botany features: display (flourish) and text styles; regular and italic styles; flourish stylistic alternates; closed counter stylistic alternates.
  30. Didoni by URW Type Foundry, $35.99
  31. Bedontes by Aminmario Studio, $20.00
    Bedontes is an unique handwritten brush font. Created with brush pen to give a great contrast between thick and thin curves. Drawn, Scanned & Vectorized from paper to screen. I wanted to create an authentic brush typeface leaving the texture and imperfections the way they are, but perfect for any awesome project that need hand writing taste. Comes with regular and italic, also support multilingual. This is suitable for branding, header, quotes, invitations, stationery, wedding design, logos, watermarks on photography, signatures, advertisement, album covers, business cards, clothing, magazines, posters, and more! Thanks for checking out this font. I hope you enjoy it!
  32. Bodoniez by T-26, $19.00
  33. Boronia by Studioways, $10.00
    Meet Boronia, Studioways' latest typeface release! This six weight family was developed with the single idea of redefining the simple sans serif to pair with any style of font family. It is meant to blend with a variety of media, from editorial to bridal and fashion. The Boronia family weights range from an ultra sexy thin to a voluptuous bold, each with a companion italic, making it the 'perfect type' for all tastes. Each font supports the standard Western European character set. So scoop up this great sans serif font, BORONIA, and start making your work shine! Buy them individually or get a great deal on the family pack!
  34. Boboli by Stefano Tonti, $35.00
    The Boboli garden in Florence (16th century) is one of the first examples of Italian renaissance garden, where nature was shaped into geometric beauty; the Boboli font was designed in the same spirit, filtered by a Modernist view. It comes in two sets, Autumn/Winter and Spring/Summer: by mixing them you can compose the typographic season of your choice. From the geometric, minimal Fall/Winter set stem the leaves of the baroque-esque Spring/Summer set, with many stylistic alternatives that allow perfect matching. The two opposite styles merge perfectly, because the leaves are not mere decorations but organic part of the structure, achieved by sampling the curves of the basic glyphs. With Boboli design meets nature, Bauhaus goes greenhouse.
  35. Ladoni by Diogo Pisoeiro, $15.00
    This typeface is inspired on Bodoni, but this is like his gross sister, because it has angles instead of curves. Is a typeface with personality, strong and robust but at the same time sweet with his italics. This typeface has 5 weights, regular, italic, bold, poster and poster italic.
  36. Bodacious by words+pictures, $20.00
    A modern sanserif typeface
  37. Bowdon by K-Type, $20.00
    Bowdon is a warm, Bodoni-inspired English Modern, influenced by the 1930s lettering of designer Barnett Freedman. Slightly rounded corners give characters a printed-look softness, and hairlines are thickened a little to increase legibility at smaller sizes, reducing the harshness and dazzle that can afflict Didone typefaces. Bowdon is supplied in three widths – Regular, Wide and Narrow – and each width is accompanied by a utilitarian oblique rather than a fancy italic. Each font includes a full Latin Extended-A character set and additional oldstyle numerals.
  38. Boldini by Luxfont, $18.00
    Introducing the unique family of COLORED fonts "Boldini" with minimalistic clean letters of a harmonious form in the style of modern POP culture. You no longer need to adjust the gradient for each letter, letters are immediately printed in gradient! Gradient fonts is perfect for headlines for fashion websites, magazines, and print design, and the basic solid font is suitable for branding boutique signs as well as for large amounts of text, because the font is very readable in a small size. Font family has two thicknesses - bold & regular, 6 gradient directions, gradient fonts also 2 type - with transparency and without transparency, as well as 2 basic monochrome fonts. Font consists of letters of the same height without division into uppercase and lowercase glyphs. *See also these fonts, which based on this family: Culoare & Anaglyph. Which means that if necessary you can combine these families and they will be absolutely stylistically identical and complement each other. Check the quality before purchasing and try the FREE DEMO version of the font to make sure your software supports color fonts. Features: Such color combinations in gradients are universal and very convenient for repainting. IMPORTANT: - OTF SVG fonts contain vector letters with gradients and transparency. - Multicolor OTF version of this font will show up only in apps that are compatible with color fonts, like Adobe Photoshop CC 2017.0.1 and above, Illustrator CC 2018. Learn more about color fonts & their support in third-party apps on www.colorfonts.wtf - Don't worry about what you see all fonts in black and not in multicolor in the tab “Individual Styles” - all fonts are working and have passed technical inspection, but not displayed in multicolor they, just because the website MyFonts is not yet able to show a preview of colored fonts. Then if you have software with support colored fonts - you can be sure that after installing fonts into the system you will be able to use them like every other classic font. Question/answer: How to install a font? The procedure for installing the font in the system has not changed. Install the font as you would install the classic OTF | TTF fonts. How can I change the font color to my color? · Adobe Illustrator: Convert text to outline and easily change color to your taste as if you were repainting a simple vector shape. · Adobe Photoshop: You can easily repaint text layer with Layer effects and color overlay. Try to experiment, it is so interesting and very easy! ld.luxfont@gmail.com
  39. Bodoniez by Huy!Fonts, $19.00
    Nice typographic experiment consisting of the progressive "bodonization" I have summarized in two steps, by a letter drawn with the same concentration and intensity with which Paris Hilton reading a book, to get something like the sketches that Mr. Gianbattista used to Wrap the sandwich.
  40. eurofurence light - 100% free
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