MMC Insignia, is an Iconic & Emblematic Neogothic Geometric Capitals Display… Assembled by Trivial Squares and Diagonals Symbols Pattern from a puzzled grid Aftermath!! Includes Stylistic Alternates!! +Extra Monospaced Figures. In 22 styles, with Obliques, both for single display and layer Typesetting, plus OpenType Features & Bonus Blocks Fonts! MMC Insignia is a Small Caps Typeface, which default lowercases character set is included in the Pro family, its cursive version, apart from it, has also Exclusive Stylistic Alternates… Its atmosphere stands by on both Corporative to Decorative, Modern, Fashion, Federalist, Bohemian, Romantic, Ludic, Treasured Look, Etc. This Display font-family is the result of the repeated applications of this unique infamous Icon or Symbol, of two counterpointed triangles, implicit as hourglasses, in order to compose an innovative and unprecedented typographic pattern and modulation concept through the letterforms, in an extremely Geometric style. The Graphic Sign used throughout this type, is a remarkable trend used already in Logos of different businesses, whose most famous case refers to a famous International Bank, which doesn’t need to be mentioned, as it is instantly associated! This characteristic innovation was the main motivation while creating this type. Usage Suggestions: Type Fancy Titling texts, Display Remarkable Logos, Branding Projects, Labels, Emblems, Fashion Patterns, or in everything Noble and designed for Excellence as a type of Insignia, or distinguished marks and attributes of Royalty and Power!! That’s also forwardly, the reason why it was named MMC Insignia… TIPS: 1-Combine styles into innumerous possibilities of Chromatic Typesetting, by ‘central pasting’ layers… You may dislocate layers for improvisations! 2-USE BLOCK “FREE-STYLES” 1 & 2 also to add default 3D! Change 3D directions by switching Block 1 to Block 2, that way you can Zig-Zag words and lines. *Also shift the block layer up to bottom limit, it makes the 3D direction turn upside down. Greetings! André, MMC-TypEngine.