Gothic fraktur inspired design, I wanted to resemble old german calligraphy but making it very geometric, so I used an isometric reticle during sketching. This is a display font, created for BIG sizes, non textual. I recommend it for branding, poster, logos or titles. Its very experimental -- it exists within the limits of legible and illegible reading. I choose the name “Garbancera” because gothic calligraphy has issues that are linked with dark, gloomy, lugubrious things or fear feelings, culturally in Mexico. I related this with death and for mexicans, death is something we celebrate and give us joy and happiness, annoying, the most representative Mexican characters, one of those is “La Calavera Garbancera” or better known as “La Catrina”, a clothes skeleton with only a hat. It was drawn this way to make a critic to all Mexicans at that time, that were poor but they wanted to represent a high lifestyle, “those that where to the bones, but with a French hat with ostrich feathers”. La Catrina was created by José Guadalupe Posada, a Mexican lithographer but also a newspaper illustrator. I think this is a beautiful font that can lead to great results, just use it wisely.