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  1. Oh Icons by Poważne Studio, $19.00
    Oh Icons is a family of 382 icons divided into three thematic sets. Each set contains 52 characters, plus alternate glyphs in Open Type Stylistic sets. Every icon can be used independently, but you can also merge them to design an adult or a baby figure, a nursery room or to dress a dog. Black backgrounds will let you colour your icons. Have fun and stay tuned for the new topics already in the works!
  2. Somn by Mix Fonts, $13.00
    Mix Somn is the perfect font for adding charm to your children’s products. Its thin, tall, and dainty style is both stylish and legible, making it perfect for labeling baby clothes, toys, and other items. The digitally handwritten sans serif font was created with an iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, using the Poppy Brush from my Procreate Brush Bundle. Its delicate strokes and sweet, soft appearance make it the perfect choice for any project you might find in your little bundle of joy’s nursery. Mix Somn includes the following characters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 !@$#%^&*() `~♥M• ÷+=[]:;’”,.\|/?{}<>“”‘’-–—_…©®™«»°¡¿₱¢€£¥ ÁÀÂÄÃÅĂĄÆĆČÇÐÉÈÊËĘÍÌÎÏŁŃÑÓÒÔÖÕØŐŒŚŠȘȚÚÙÛÜŰÝŸŹŽŻÞ áàâäãåăąæćčçðéèêëęíìîïłńñóòôöõøőœśšșțúùûüűýÿźžżþ
  3. Dorris by Creativemedialab, $20.00
    Dorris - Swirly font family Unique, cute and versatile serif family with alternates and ornaments to create a more stunning display. Try capital letters for groovy vintage style look or Capitalize for a happy, cute and beauty. This Family has 9 weights from thin to black with a soft and curly tail that makes this font look funky and fresh. Suitable for use in many design forms, for example, magazines, DIY projects, quotes, ice cream, postcards, logos, vintage look badges, old classic music, the 60s, 70s, 80s era, stickers, label, kids, baby, wedding projects and many more. We recommend using Adobe Programs.
  4. Stay Gold by Decade Typefoundry, $35.00
    Stay Gold Script is a highly usable, powerful typeface. Perfect for everything from street wear brand to wedding invitations, sports team logos to band logos. Use it however you see fit. Just one thing - it’s not designed for all-caps settings.
  5. Relaxation JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Amongst the pages of a 1946 foreign publication entitled "100 Alphabets Publicitaires" ("100 Advertising Alphabets") is the casual brush stroke sans that was the design basis for Relaxation JNL.
  6. Table Wood JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Concave Tuscan Extra Condensed is a classic wood type sans serif design that is the basis for Table Wood JNL, which is available in both regular and oblique versions.
  7. Charade by profonts, $41.99
    Charade is a soft, resonant design that beams of comforting warmths, joy and cosiness. It reminds of the 60ies and 70ies, flower power, party and having a good time. The outline and shadow styles are provided for special typographical expressions, for example for titles of films and videos.
  8. MPI Antique by mpressInteractive, $5.00
    Antique is a bold, classic font with high stroke contrast and no bracketing on the serifs. This letter style was hugely popular during the early 19th century and was the basis for a myriad of other designs. This version is based on wood type of unknown origin.
  9. Condensed Chamfer JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Sheet music published in the 1860s for "The Soldier’s Chorus" [from the Gounod opera "Faust"] had the title and the arranger’s name hand lettered in a bold, condensed chamfer font. This was the basis for Condensed Chamfer JNL, which is available in both regular and oblique versions.
  10. Toppler by K-Type, $20.00
    TOPPLER is a top-heavy comic font, K-Type’s salute to nineties freebies such as Ben Balvanz’s Baby Kruffy, Comix Heavy from WSI, and Dave Bastian’s Startling. Unlike those glorious fonts-of-old, Toppler contains a complete repertoire of symbols, dingbats and Latin Extended-A accented characters, as well as a proper lowercase, careful spacing and tasty kerning. Toppler also boasts cleaner outlines and more refined shapes. The Toppler family comprises four fonts that share spacing and kerning, so can be overlapped to produce bicolor and multicolor effects. In addition to the regular, solid style of Toppler, there is a shaded ‘Popdots’ style, plus thick and thin outline fonts.
  11. Acton by Device, $29.00
    Acton is a deceptively simple, grid-based design. Though derived from a 2 by 3 arrangement of blocks, it uses white spaces to allow for more complex shapes – for example as the R – where the underlying 3 by 5 arrangement is apparent. It also departs from this strict grid-based logic for characters such as the the T, L, f and r, whose cross-bars are shorter than they would otherwise be in order to promote optical evenness. No elegant solution could be found for the V, which in geometric fonts can appear very similar to the U, lacking as it does the cross-bar that can differentiate a square A from the capital form of the n. However, the resultant diagonal retroactively proved useful on the lower-case e and a, characters that otherwise would have more uninteresting design solutions.
  12. Deco Style JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    The hand lettered title on the 1943 sheet music for "This Love of Mine" formed the basis for Deco Style JNL, which is available in both regular and oblique versions.
  13. Cleveland Neon JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    The channel letters in the neon sign for the iconic Clevelander Hotel located in the Art Deco district of Miami Beach was the inspiration and basis for Cleveland Neon JNL.
  14. Icing by Great Lakes Lettering, $24.95
    Icing is a font based on a naive, illustrated handwriting that can be used on a daily basis. It is a delicate, handwritten front with a somewhat masculine feel which mimics the natural stroke of pointed pen calligraphy. Icing embodies a folksy feel that brings true character to any design. Purchase it together with its extended family Frosted in our Winter Mix Package!
  15. Carton Stencil JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Antique brass stencils hand-cut for shipping items during the early part of the 20th Century were for sale in an online auction; and are the basis for Carton Stencil JNL.
  16. Vecchia by Talavera, $75.00
    This font looks forward to the humanist venetian oldstyle flavor. With high contrast and nice modulation, it has low x height wich is ideal for reading and to design books or long texts. Vecchia has a calligraphic basis and counts with small caps, ligatures and open face titling capitals.
  17. Memphis by Linotype, $40.99
    Because of the geometric basis of its forms, Memphis is often thought of as a font for technical fields, making a rational, purposeful impression. This emphasis on objectivity is well-suited to technical texts, but Memphis is appropriate for any text which should exhibit a clear, neutral character.
  18. Series A Signage JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    The basis for Series A Signage JNL is Highway Gothic; a type style design formally known as the FHWA Series. The font was developed by the United States Federal Highway Administration, and originally consisted of only capital letters and figures. Each Letter designation represented a character width from "A" (condensed) to "F" (wide). Due to poor visibility at high speeds, Series "A" was discontinued. At one point lower case characters were added to the various widths of the design, but this typeface revival is based on the original guidelines specified in the 1948 (reprinted 1952) book "Standard Alphabets for Highway Signs" [this was the original name for the FHWA series fonts preceding the eventual name change to Highway Gothic]. Unlike the original, Series A Signage JNL is available in both regular and oblique versions.
  19. und4 by URW Type Foundry, $39.99
    The rasterized square (clear, therefore 4 as part of the font name) was the constructive basis. The intention was to put all characters within this grid and produce a highly structured, yet lively, resting in itself, display font. Relaxed but exciting, just. An absolutely noteworthy detail are the classical construction principles (based on a typography book from the 50's for poster designers), the so-called optical weighting, derived and slightly exaggerated character elements: The characters are not purely symmetrical and the curve shapes do not close justified with the surrounding square. Loops and tongues slightly hang over; the upper bows are slightly less protruding than lower ones, etc. The kerning is tuned to fit these design details: the white space between the characters match the same filling space.
  20. Machtwerk by Volcano Type, $29.00
    Religions are filled with signs and symbols. Some of them, like the the star of David and the Swastika-Rune received other significance during the third Reich. The superimposition of these two shapes creates the basis for this font. Matchwerk is a font, that critically questions and recalls the darkest chapter of our history.
  21. Celestial by My Creative Land, $18.00
    Have you ever struggled while creating a quote with all ascenders/descenders getting on the way? When you can't find a perfect placement for a word because the letters on the upper line crossing the ones on the lower one? Well, I have :) If you want to reduce this struggle to a minimum, the Celestial brush font is for you. Full of open type features and alternates it won't stand on your way to get the job done ;) Most of the font's letters have "longer" or "shorter" alternates. Celestial brush font is fully unicode mapped.
  22. Farming Stencil JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Examples of Australian brass stencils used for baling form the basis of Farming Stencil JNL. The hand-cut look of this typeface gives a more casual approach to a standard stencil design.
  23. Thinly Disguised JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    The hand lettered thin, variable width slab serif text appearing on the cover of a souvenir photo book for the 1933 Chicago World's Fair Exposition is the basis for Thinly Disguised JNL.
  24. Rounded Sans Wood JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Examples of a wood type alphabet for letterpress are the basis for Rounded Sans Wood JNL. Clean and bold, the rounded ends give a softer, more informal look to any display copy.
  25. Overnight JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Hand lettering on the cover of the 1932 sheet music for "Sleep, Come On and Take Me" was the basis for Overnight JNL, which is available in both regular and oblique versions.
  26. Balian by Alit Design, $24.00
    The BALIAN font is inspired by Balinese style carvings, because it is made in Bali and the Balinese also make it. The unique and beautiful engraving forms create a display font with character. The Balian font is perfect for classic and unique themed designs, besides that this font is perfect for t-shirt designs, poster titles, text headers or logotype designs.
  27. Palio by Eurotypo, $34.00
    Palio is a family of fonts derived from the classic Didone, its capitals are slightly condensed and the lower case definitively abandon the reminiscent of the baroque endings strokes, which are still endure in many typefaces. It is an elegant font especially the slant version that actually is a truly italic. This version very readable and is enriched with a series of alternative variables and swashes that make it more expressive for certain projects that need some flowering.
  28. Phi Caps by Cas van de Goor, $7.00
    Phi Caps is a geometric all caps typeface designed on the basis of the golden ratio. Its simple monoline letters come together in a solid font. Note: There is a new and improved version of this typeface called Phi. It includes lowercase letters and supports Central, Eastern and Western European languages.
  29. Churchward Conserif by BluHead Studio, $25.00
    BluHead Studio LLC is pleased to announce the release of 4 fonts from the Churchward Conserif family designed by New Zealand typeface designer Joseph Churchward. BluHead Studio is in the process of digitizing many of the fonts in Churchward's extensive library of exciting and unique designs and will be releasing them in OpenType format on a regular basis.
  30. Frosted by Great Lakes Lettering, $24.95
    Frosted is a font based on a naive, illustrated handwriting that can be used on a daily basis. It is a delicate, handwritten font with a somewhat masculine feel which mimics the natural stroke of pointed pen calligraphy. Paired with structured flourishes and wreaths, Frosted embodies a folksy feel that brings true character to any design.
  31. Bulgatry by Hishand Studio, $15.00
    Elegant look font of Bulgatry. a modern serif font family that drawn inspiration from the elegant of Bali, classy, modern but classic at the same time. just have a look at this beautiful handcrafted serif typeface. Perfect logo, branding, invitations, stationery, wedding designs, social media posts, and much more. Complete with - ligatures - alternates - regular - italic - icon - kerning - multilingual support
  32. Churchward Freedom by BluHead Studio, $25.00
    BluHead Studio LLC is pleased to announce the release of 7 fonts from the Churchward Freedom family designed by New Zealand typeface designer Joseph Churchward. BluHead Studio is in the process of digitizing many of the fonts in Churchward's extensive library of exciting and unique designs and will be releasing them in OpenType format on a regular basis.
  33. Kharon Ultra NF by Nick's Fonts, $10.00
    A fine, fat Deco face named Ludlow Stygian provided the basis for this delightful typeface. Although generally formal in character, the font shows a hint of playfulness in the distinctive “humpback” h and n characters. This font contains the complete Latin language character set (Unicode 1252) plus support for Central European (Unicode 1250) languages as well.
  34. Stage Play JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Vintage sheet music for Earl Carroll's dramatic mystery-comedy production "Murder at the Vanities" has its title hand-lettered in the Art Deco style which served as the basis for Stage Play JNL.
  35. Park Slope JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    The free-form geometric shapes of the lettering on a vintage piece of sheet music entitled "Four Pictures" is the basis for Park Slope JNL, named for a neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York.
  36. Fluse by Pesotsky Victor, $10.00
    «Fluse» is an accidental sans-serif font. It has an angular design but smooth and sleek shapes. The font is suitable for both active titles and medium-sized texts. It can also be an accent in a poster or the basis of a corporate identity. Fluse supportsBasic Latin, Cyrillic and more than 100 languages all together. The font was designed by Viktor Pesotsky.
  37. Absolutely Fabulous by Comicraft, $19.00
    These Charming letterforms, filled to the brim with the pop sensibility of late sixties je-ne-sais-quoi and the high camp detachment of the early seventies, scream out 'I am THIN and GORGEOUS!' Daring, Sexy, Witty and Subversive, Absolutely Fabulous swings from the pages of Marvel's UNION JACK to provide you with all the handheld wobble you'll need for thrilling titles, taut climaxes and logos that tingle with sartorial sophistication. If you're not thinking of miniskirts, black leather and concealed transmitters in bowler hats when you install this font, you're just not on the right wavelength, baby.
  38. Aparcero JNL by Jeff Levine, $29.00
    Vintage sheet music with the title of "Aparcero" lettered in a bold, Art Deco sans is the basis for Aparcero JNL. The title is a Spanish word that translates to "tenant farmer" or "sharecropper".
  39. 19th Century American Initials by Celebrity Fontz, $19.99
    19th Century American Initials is a collection of beautiful Art Deco letters surrounded by swelling, sinuous, stylized natural forms of flowers, scrolls, spirals, rosettes, waves, and rain drops. This curvy artistic font Includes one set of A-Z ornamental initials conveniently assigned to both the upper and lower case alphabet characters. Perfect for starting off the beginning of paragraphs in artistic publications, storybooks, fairy tales, and texts conveying the feel of the Art Deco period.
  40. Lombardia Illuminata by Celebrity Fontz, $24.99
    Lombardia Illuminata is a collection of Lombardic-style letters surrounded by natural forms of vines, leaves, trellises, scrolls, sun rays, and flowers. This beautifully ornate font includes one set of A-Z ornamental initials conveniently assigned to both the upper and lower case alphabet characters which are perfect for starting off the beginning of paragraphs in artistic publications, storybooks, fairy tales, and texts conveying the feel of medieval manuscripts of the 12th-16th centuries.
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