This typeface is mostly composed of images of dinosaur skeletons drawn by Matthew Schenk and used as stencils for decoration. I thought they would also make a nice typeface. Check the key map—some of the very large critters are cut into pieces and put on several keys—this may help printing in some situations.
The "C Elle F" is a typographic family, as a stencil letter, originally intended for cutting and engraving to carry out marking and signaling work. But of course, the very characteristic shape of these letters evokes much more. This typographic family can therefore be used for communication in various fields, commercial, import-export, military, etc.
Based on text used as sub-headings within a reproduction of a sales catalog for stencil punch dies manufactured by S.M. Spencer & Co. (originally of Brattleboro, VT), circa 1868. Catalog Serif JNL is available in regular, oblique, condensed, condensed oblique, extra condensed, extra condensed oblique, ultra condensed, ultra condensed oblique, compressed and compressed oblique versions.
Basis is a bitmap font family which is happy being used at both small and large sizes. Designed as a 9 point bitmap face for the web, it offers different styles than most normal bitmaps. The stencil style can be used for display purposes, while the SmallCaps lowercase is great for website navigation menus.
BD Motra is fat wide uppercase font with some variants on the small character keys. The inspiration source for this typeface is the stencil lettering on Honda’s rare Motra CT50 off-road scooter made in Japan 1982. The font usage ranges from big lettering on vehicles, cargo boxes, products, buildings with an industrial approach.
Hackish is a captivating stencil script font that effortlessly infuses your designs with a touch of class and a dash of vintage charm. Its unique blend of elegance and ruggedness makes it the perfect choice for projects seeking a timeless and sophisticated appeal Features : Uppercase & lowercase Numbers and punctuation Alternates & Ligatures Multilingual PUA encoded
Kubrickle is an unique typeface release by the Discourse Type foundry. It comes in three styles a block, stencil and swash. The swash types comes with an large set of special ligatures that can give you titles an edge. Combine the three different styles to create dynamic typography suitable for album covers, magazines and flyers.
A versatile stencil type family with lowercase characters and a extensive character set. Bunker has four styles, and all of them are interchangeable, which means that a character occupies the same space (advance-width) in all of the fonts. It also has four styles of figures: tabular-lining, tabular-oldstyle, proportional-lining and proportional-oldstyle.
Wide Plump is a bold Stylish Stencil Font. Most of the glyphs are without any holes, it's provide powerful impact. You can use it in fashion magazines covers, short advertise slogan and so on. * Uppercase and some lowercase * Numbers * Symbols * Multilingual support Please feel free to request to add characters you need:
Karara Shadow, a complete font set and additional font style of Karara. The word Karara means patience & steady. The style is achieved by practicing and studying the modern techniques to deliver high-end professional font. This specific font had a tint of wall chalking & texture. Carefully engraved and stenciled to delivery clean cuts and design.
A few simple rules govern the letterforms of this decidedly digital-age typeface, and the nonstandard stencil treatment adds a gentle sense of motion to the overall design. Available in two weights, all versions of this font include the Unicode 1250 Central European character set in addition to the standard Unicode 1252 Latin set.
The inspiration for this versatile typeface came from both Art Deco and Military sources. It comes with both a clean geometric and hand drawn version so you don't have to get carpal tunnel sketching it out yourself. This typeface is equally at home stenciled with paint on a wall or used on a music poster.
On a huge garbage bin in Lisbon I saw the sentence, “Perdidos no kaos”, which means lost in chaos and I really liked the rough stenciled lettering. Back home I designed a typeface that wasn't quite as chaotic as the lettering on the garbage container. Yours – always on the lookout for great typefaces – Gert Wiescher
The Ko family was developed for the text posters at the Holland Festival in 1997, based on the filling of a lettering stencil with different pen thicknesses. Ko Heavy and the Ko KAP were the first weights; the family was completed in 2002 with a Ko Light, a second Ko KAP and two italics.
Digitized handwriting fonts are a perfect way to give documents the “very special touch”. Invitations look simply better when handwritten than when printed in bland Arial or Times New Roman. Short handwritten notes look authentic and appealing. There are numerous occasions where handwritten text makes a better impression. Agilo Handwriting Pro is an upright, medium weight handwriting font with a simplified, slightly sloped print (non-connecting) style that mimics true handwriting closely. Use Agilo Handwriting Pro to create stunningly beautiful designs easily. This typeface comes with many pre-made ligatures and alternative characters for sophisticated typography – all easily accessible as OpenType features. A “random” feature even allows for automated random switching between variations of the same character, resulting in type that looks authentically handwritten.
Bactrian (Bactrian: Αριαο, ariao, [arjaː], meaning "Iranian") is an extinct Eastern Iranian language formerly spoken in the Central Asian region of Bactria (present day Afghanistan) and used as the official language of the Kushan and the Hephthalite empires.Bactrian, which was written predominantly in an alphabet based on the Greek script, was known natively as αριαο [arjaː] ("Arya"; an endonym common amongst Indo-Iranian peoples). It has also been known by names such as Greco-Bactrian, Kushan or Kushano-Bactrian.
Introducing Kin Grotesque Kin Grotesque has been created to be your new go-to grotesque font that will work well for copy text and headline titles. With carefully crafted letterforms, ligatures and stylistic alternatives, Kin Grotesque is perfect for brand identity and logo design. With nine standard weights in standard and italic families. Features: 9 separate font weights + variable weight font for compatible software Standard and Italic Upper and lowercase Numerals Trial versions are available from
Rozza is a single weight stencil cursive fat face font for extremal display use. Looking at this font the story of beauty and the beast comes to mind. That is how I would describe it. On the one hand prickly and dangerous, and on the other - pulsating beauty and passion. Try to combine Rozza together with Displace — great pair!
Vanage is is an elegant high contrast contemporary sans-serif stencil typeface provides advanced typographical support with features such as ligatures and alternate characters. It is rooted in the style of a classic high contest typeface, excluding the typical serifs and ball terminals. Vanage is made for display use, Available in 5 weights and their Italics.
The City Burn, formerly called "The city burn night after night and we spray-paint the walls", was especially designed for Mad Skills Mag issue#3 Urban Flavour. It needed to be street, and urban, so I made a stencil font. It’s used by Fox5 tv for the rant TV show, the website, Fried chillies TV, and others!
Designed by Paul Renner and published in 1929. It shows an alternative method of giving maximum thickness to a font by being designed to resemble the use of a stencil. It was a very fashionable typeface during the avant-garde period. It is still an excellent typeface for display use. Futura is a Trademark of BauerTypes SL
Export Drive is a bold condensed stencil font of the kind traditionally used to mark tea chests, packing cases and other goods in transit. Nowadays of course its applications are universal, although it is particularly well suited to branding or publishing projects which strive for a sense of freshness, urgency and immediacy, or a rugged, rough-and-ready feel.
An image of an antique metal marking stencil [circa late 1890s or early 1900s] reading “Folck’s Roller Mills #196 New Surprise manufactured by Wolfe Brothers, Cumberland, MD” had the words “New Surprise” rendered in a Western/Victorian typeface. Those letters served as the model for Old Trail JNL, which is available in both regular and oblique versions.
A 1932 fan magazine from Spain entitled “Films Selectos” (“Select Films”) had those words hand lettered in a decorative Art Deco type style that was a cross between the “Futura Black” style of stencil influenced display lettering and “Fiesta” lettering. This hybrid design is now available digitally as Dance and Sing JNL in both regular and oblique versions.
Home. Dersima is a stencil display typeface that is a homage to past relatives and ancestors of genocide and oppression. The philosophy of the typefaces missing parts symbolizes the dark and confusing history and the struggle for equality of the Alevi Kurds. The objective of this typeface is to live on and make sure they are not forgotten.
A single-weight display font, Steel Grrrder Groove is a constructivist inline stencil design best used in short display settings or as an introductory drop cap to grab attention. The design is sharp, angular and slightly condensed with a striking inline groove giving it an air of chiselled chunkiness. It’s groovy but in a slightly robotic way.
One Ton is a really chunky stencil face that sticks to some strict rules, giving it a distinctively industrial, angular look. It's designed so that the spaces between characters all align in a strong grid. It can bring a ton of personality to signage, branding, editorial and packaging projects where you can afford to be a bit experimental.
Cloudia is a versatile, modern font with an attention-grabbing angularity. It has a thoroughly mechanical, science fiction look; but with slightly unconventional vowel shapes to give it a dynamic edge. Its precisely cut letters need to be displayed as large as possible for maximum impact. Perfect for book titles, magazines, band logos, movie titles, stencils and video games.
Epiphany is an elegant serif with wide proportions and an unusual stencil effect. This communicates honesty with an understated refinement. Suitable for headlines and shorter paragraphs of text. The design uses several repeated forms that give it a forward-moving rhythm, for example the small ‘flicks’ on the lower-case letters and the tails on g and y.
Introducing Meika Font! Meika is modern stencil serif font, every single letters have been uniquely crafted. This font including beautiful alternate glyph. You can access the alternate glyph via Font Book (Mac user) or Windows Character Map (Windows user), I've been put the link tutorial inside the zip file. Foreign languages support: ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýÿ Thanks for looking.
3D Cursive is an extruded cursive family with multiple styles. The 3D Cursive font is extruded in delicate outline. 3D Cursive Stencil is an alternate style in bold black. 3D Cursive Simple provides a perfectly matching, yet non-extruded style. 3D Cursive is extended, containing West European diacritics & ligatures, making it suitable for multilingual environments & publications.
In the December, 1947 issue of Modern Screen magazine, a feature article showcased actress Deborah Kerr with the title “Imported”. The typography used for the headline of the article was a hand lettered, extra-bold, sans serif stencil design. This lettering became the inspiration for Imported Goods JNL, which is now available in both regular and oblique versions.
Time to EMbrace the new EMerging typeface from WiltonFoundry : EM consisting of EM Regular, EM Italic, EM Bold, EM Bold Italic. Loosely based on our very popular Cyan typeface, EM is EMphatically the most distinctive and modern typeface we’ve created yet. Slight variations between thick and thin with stenciled effects, and Flared stem EMphasis for character. Go get’EM!!
Meteoric is a new playful three-weight typefamily, featuring a soft and rounded sans serif. The semi-stencil style gives it a distinct futuristic look and modern feeling, that is great for logo design, headlines and branding purposes. This monoline typeface, with soft terminals, is a lovely, sweet and perfect typeface for a multitude of typographic applications.