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  1. Norman Stencil by Resistenza, $39.00
    Norman Stencil, is a new Norman. An high contrast, serif and narrow font. 2 styles and 2 weights. Norman Stencil it works perfectly on big texts, logos, headline and others display purposes. Activate your opentype features and you will enjoy all the ligatures and alternates.
  2. Agatized Formal by ULGA Type, $25.00
    Agatized Formal is a chunky stencil typeface with slightly condensed letterforms and tight spacing. Designed primarily for display use, it’s ideal for posters, logos, advertising, book cover designs or small chunks of text such as pull-out quotes. It exudes authority without taking itself seriously, like a plump jolly uncle in charge of a brass band. Agatized Formal is a big, bold typeface with a charismatic presence that commands attention – in a friendly way, of course. But what really makes this typeface come alive is its arsenal of alternative characters and ligatures. There is a saying: Use sparingly. Whoa! Not here, no, no, no. Make your Glyphs palette earn its money. Flex your OpenType muscles: get stylized, contextualized, indulge in some ligaddiction. This typeface is a peacock that likes to put on a show, spread its plumage and strut around in all its blazing glory. Agatized, according to Wiktionary, means: A living thing converted into the form of agate; fossilized. I felt the name suited the solid, almost rock-like letterforms, but most of all I just wanted a typeface name that began with the letter A. Although Agatized Formal is a single-weight typeface it has a sibling, Agatized Informal, an older, more casual brother, rougher round the edges with craggy good looks and an altogether more jaunty style.
  3. Formal 436 by Bitstream, $29.99
  4. Crivar Formal by Scriptorium, $12.00
  5. Formal 436 by Tilde, $39.75
  6. Provan Formal by Matteson Typographics, $19.95
    Provan is a contemporary humanist sans serif with roots in calligraphy and incised letters. These timeless inspirations result in a typeface family that transcends fashion and adds a strong sense of authenticity to brands. The regular version of Provan has angled stem endings and oblique stress in curved shapes which add to its friendly and legible warmth. Provan Formal straightens these stroke endings to bring a more refined alignment of letters. The typefaces include swash capitals, small capitals, old style figures and special Celtic capital variants. The Inline version of Provan is useful for drop capitals, book covers and posters. Provan bucks the ubiquitous neutrality of geometric typefaces and exudes a sense of humanity, craftsmanship and warmth.
  7. Grunge Formal by Scholtz Fonts, $15.00
    Grunge Formal started out as a more upright, formal version of one of my fonts, Figment. A most versatile contemporary typeface, Grunge Formal works equally well from funky to formal, from giant size headers to pint size body text, from movie posters to wedding invitations. If you've ever needed a font that has a grungy, deconstructed look but works well for all sizes, a font that you can use for funky, gritty designs, and also for formal wedding stationery, Grunge Formal is a perfect choice. From the formal viewpoint, the font presents as a regular serif typeface with deconstructed edges, giving the antique look popular in wedding stationery design. Here it can be used from header to body size. For in-your-face design, Grunge Formal, when oversized, is really powerful and its deconstructed outline provides a raw, rough contrast to your background images. Grunge Formal has all the features usually included in a fully professional font. Language support includes all European character sets, Greek symbols and all punctuation.
  8. Mosquito Formal by Monotype, $29.00
    Mosquito Formal, by Éric de Berranger, takes the original jaunty design of Mosquito and dresses it in a tuxedo. The stressed character strokes, simple, straightforward shapes, relatively large x-height, open counters and hint of Peignot are still there, but the cursive strokes and lively terminals have been replaced with traditional designs. The result is a more serious-and more sophisticated typeface. The idea," says Éric de Berranger, "was to assuage the drawing of Mosquito. To 'calm' it; and eliminate its idiosyncrasies while preserving character structure and general appearance." Although still distinctive, as Éric de Berranger puts it, "Mosquito Formal is more to be read than seen, it is more invisible and thus, more readable than my earlier design." He does, however, use both typefaces in his graphic design projects: Mosquito for headlines and in applications where the lively design is appropriate, and Mosquito Formal for those instances that require a quieter more sophisticated look. Mosquito Formal is available in three weights with complementary italic designs in addition to a suite of small caps and old style figures. "
  9. Padaloma Italic - Unknown license
  10. Gunship Italic - Personal use only
  11. Alexis Italic - Unknown license
  12. Xcelsion Italic - Unknown license
  13. Kellnear-Italic - Unknown license
  14. Feldicouth Italic - Unknown license
  15. Bonk Italic - Unknown license
  16. Renaiss-Italic - 100% free
  17. Kreeture Italic - Unknown license
  18. Bamf Italic - Unknown license
  19. Prescript Italic - Unknown license
  20. Lionheart Italic - Unknown license
  21. Xephyr Italic - Personal use only
  22. Rackham Italic - Unknown license
  23. Lichtner Italic - Unknown license
  24. Uberhölme Italic - Personal use only
  25. Mouser Italic - Unknown license
  26. Occoluchi Italic - Unknown license
  27. Quartermain Italic - Unknown license
  28. Regulators Italic - Unknown license
  29. Freebooter Italic - Unknown license
  30. Perdition Italic - Unknown license
  31. XPED Italic - Unknown license
  32. Salmiak Italic - 100% free
  33. Yellowjacket Italic - Unknown license
  34. Aquaduct Italic - Unknown license
  35. Maranallo Italic - Unknown license
  36. Curlmudgeon Italic - Unknown license
  37. Questlok Italic - Unknown license
  38. U.S.A. Italic - Unknown license
  39. Plau Italics by Plau, $19.00
    Futurist italic typeface from the programming era, Plau is a sans-serif with rounded corner personality and interestingly deliberate lettershapes. Comfortable in headlines, reads surprisingly well in longer passages of text. Includes the following OpenType features: OT All Small Caps, Small Caps, Fraction, Proportional/Tabular Oldstyle and lining figures, subscript and superscript numbers.
  40. Hanes Italic by Scriptorium, $18.00
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