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  1. Devinyl by Nootype, $35.00
    Devinyl is a monolinear typeface family which mixes different styles. The typeface is entirely composed in capital. The uppercase is inspired by old grotesk from late 19th and the lowercase is a humanist-sans. This is a monoline typeface and the variety of style make it perfect for magazine and poster design. Download the PDF here. Devinyl comprises a family of 8 styles, from the art-deco inspired ‘line’ to the ‘stencil’, often used in street art. All the fonts share the same base. Devinyl family supports Latin and Cyrillic, all these languages are covered: Latin language support: Afrikaans, Albanian, Asturian, Azeri, Basque, Bosnian, Breton, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cornish, Corsican, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Faroese, Filipino, Finnish, Flemish, French, Frisian, Friulian, Gaelic, Galician, German, Greenlandic, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Kurdish, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Malagasy, Malay, Maltese, Maori, Moldavian, Norwegian, Occitan, Polish, Portuguese, Provençal, Romanian, Romansch, Saami, Samoan, Scots, Scottish, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish, Walloon, Welsh, Wolof Cyrillic language support: Adyghe, Avar, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Buryat, Chechen, Erzya, Ingush, Kabardian, Kalmyk, Karachay-Balkar, Karakalpak, Kazakh, Komi, Kyrgyz, Lak, Macedonian, Moldovan, Mongol, Permyak, Russian, Rusyn, Serbian, Tatar, Tofa, Tuvan, Ukrainian, Uzbek
  2. Gr-Memories, is a font that is designed to evoke a sense of nostalgia and personal connection. Its creation is inspired by the handwritten letters and notes we once received or wrote, capturing the w...
  3. TT Ricordi Marmo by TypeType, $29.00
    TT Ricordi Marmo useful links: Specimen | Graphic presentation | Customization options TT Ricordi Marmo extends the series of experimental projects within the TT Ricordi fonts collection. The main goal of the TT Ricordi project is to look for gems in old signs and on stone and bringing those inscriptions back to life in the form of contemporary fonts with the umbrella name TT Ricordi. TT Ricordi Marmo is an original experimental project by Eugene Tantsurin inspired by inscriptions at Basilica di Santa Croce in Florence. Working on it, we wanted to create a contemporary typeface that would unite the elements of a Florentine sans-serif mixed with more traditional visual solutions typical for the period's serifs. As a result, we got a bright and somewhat provocative typeface with irregular serif distribution, some unusual contours and a free spirit. In small body size TT Ricordi Marmo makes a neutral impression, but as the size gets bigger, the user is taken on a playful quest to search for interesting moves, graphic peculiarities and unusual solutions. TT Ricordi Marmo is great for poster design, packaging, and setting large and medium-sized inscriptions. Thanks to its idiosyncrasy, the typeface may look nice both at a poster in a grand academic theater and at an acid rave party. You can find a set of icon patterns that can be used in several ways. First, you can substitute letters with these patterns, thus getting an inscription with a visible graphic element. Then you can also construct borders and interval marks, or just use them as icons. All patterns are perfectly adapted to the design of letters in the font. TT Ricordi Marmo consists of 2 styles and one variable font. Each of the styles contains over 630 glyphs and 18 OpenType features. As we have conceived TT Ricordi Marmo as a poster typeface from the very beginning, it features small capitals instead of lowercase characters. In addition, the typeface has a set of interesting ligatures, stylistic alternates, pointers, hands, and pattern icons. TT Ricordi Marmo OpenType features list: AALT, CCMP, LOCL, NUMR, ORDN, TNUM, PNUM, CASE, SS01 (Alternative latin E), SS02 (Alternative Eszett), SS03 (Alternative Cyrillic I), SS04 ( Alternative Amper- sand), SS05 (Romanian Comma Accent), SS06 (Dutch IJ), SS07 (Catalan Ldot), DLIG, CALT, SALT.
  4. Tecna Dark Up Triangle BNF by Descarflex, $30.00
    The Tecn@ Dark&Light Triangle Background Nomenclature Font family is differentiated by the direction of the triangle tip in the 4 cardinal points. The family were designed to head, enumerate, indicate or highlight writings or design plans, for this reason, the characters are available only in capital letters and some signs or symbols that can serve such purposes. A triangle or empty character is included so that the user can use it overlaying any character of his choice or to be used alone. What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Why do we use it? It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing packages and web page editors now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over the years, sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose (injected humour and the like). Where does it come from? Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32. The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham. Where can I get some? There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined with a handful of model sentence structures, to generate Lorem Ipsum which looks reasonable. The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free from repetition, injected humour, or non-characteristic words etc.
  5. Grange by Device, $39.00
    The Device interpretation of the classic “Grot” thick/thin sans style. Unlike the traditional models on which it is based, Grange takes a rational, consistent approach across wide range of weights and widths for contemporary use. The "Text" weights are designed for use at smaller sizes, and have more open character shapes and spacing for legibility. The font includes alternative curved and straighter versions of key characters, most obviously the lower-case ‘g' and capital ‘R', allowing the font to take on either a sharper or warmer, more playful appearance. These can be toggled on or off using the ‘Alts' feature in Illustrator, or ‘Stylistc Sets’ in Indesign. Contains proportional, lining and tabular numerals. Perfect for both headline and text.
  6. Grange Rough by Device, $39.00
    Grange Rough is an inky, distressed version of Grange that mimics the effects of vintage hot-metal type on rougher paper. Grange is the Device interpretation of the classic “Grot” thick/thin sans style. Unlike the traditional models on which it is based, Grange takes a rational, consistent approach across wide range of weights and widths for contemporary use. The font includes alternative curved and straighter versions of key characters, most obviously the lower-case ‘g' and capital ‘R', allowing the font to take on either a sharper or warmer, more playful appearance. These can be toggled on or off using the ‘Alts' feature in Illustrator, or ‘Stylistc Sets’ in Indesign. Contains proportional, lining and tabular numerals. Perfect for both headline and text.
  7. Mule Cargo by Menagerie Type, $20.00
    The Mule is a very special mix – it has a donkey father and horse mother, and they often inherit the best qualities of both. "The mule is an example of hybrid vigor, Charles Darwin wrote: The mule always appears to me a most surprising animal. That a hybrid should possess more reason, memory, obstinacy, social affection, powers of muscular endurance, and length of life, than either of its parents, seems to indicate that art has here outdone nature." They are typically very strong for their size compared to horses and are able to cope with bad weather better than donkeys. Mules rarely become ill and their behavior is Intelligent and sensitive. In the right home, they can make great companions for other equines, and wonderful pets. However, if they are unhandled or not correctly trained, mules have the potential to be dangerous. The inner shapes of Mule Cargo are almost identical between the Regular and the Heavy weight. This shared genom make them very powerful pair and a useful design tool for display purposes.
  8. P22 Marcel by P22 Type Foundry, $24.95
    The font Marcel is named in honor of Marcel Heuzé, a Frenchman who was conscripted into labor during World War II. During the months Marcel was in Germany, he wrote letters to his beloved wife and daughters back home in rural France. Marcel’s letters contain rare first-person testimony of day-to-day survival within a labor camp, along with the most beautiful expressions of love imaginable. The letters — stained and scarred with censor marks — were the original source documents used by designer Carolyn Porter to create a script font that retains the expressive character of Marcel Heuzé’s original handwriting. The result of years of research and design work, P22 Marcel Script features more than 1300 glyphs. The font is a highly readable running script that includes textural details that capture the look of ink on paper. The font Marcel Caps is a hand-lettered titling face intended as a companion to the Script. Marcel EuroPost One and Two each feature more than 200 postmarks, cancellation and censor marks, and other embellishments found on historical letters and documents.
  9. Flexion Pro by Red Rooster Collection, $60.00
    Flexion developed out of design philosophy and ambigramatic artwork of John Langdon. Based on the contents in John’s book Wordplay, author Dan Brown hired John to create ambigrams for his forthcoming novel Angels & Demons. Mr. Brown was so impressed with his work he even named the main character Robert Langdon after John. After the success of Angels & Demons, Dan Brown wrote The Da Vinci Code. When the movie adaptation of that book was in the works, Dan suggested that John create titles for the movie based on ambigrams. John contacted Hal Taylor to create a font based on the lettering treatment to be used for the credits at the end of the movie. Unfortunately, it was decided that the film was running long and the original title concept was scrapped. By this time, Hal was well into developing a full type family, including small caps, alternate characters, lining and ranging figures. John was impressed with the way the design was turning out and decided that it had enough merit to be released as Flexion.
  10. Hero If Plus by Ingo, $12.00
    A type of “handwriting” discovered by chance, extremely abstract On April 8, 1948 a certain Walter Plaga wrote a crude poem about a hero on a commemorative plaque. The very poor reproduction of the handwritten original, etched into a metal sheet, produced extremely abstract forms so that — even if unintentional — a script completely void of bowls was created. That which originally was the normal clumsy handwriting of a layman thus transformed into a pseudo-modern deconstructive typeface, which in the 21st century appears contemporary. The capital letters especially reflect the original: in part they show forms labeled incorrectly ”old German“ handwriting, which is actually Latin, in the letters A D G I J K L S V W X Z , whereas C H N O P R appear very modern. Truly a form of handwriting: without joining the letters, especially between the lower case characters, a silhouette effect is formed. To a great extent Hero is impressive due to its driven-to-the-limit abstraction and to a lesser extent by retaining an antiquated and nearly illegible effect.
  11. Quarantinus by JOEBOB graphics, $33.00
    The Quarantinus font was created during the 2020 covid 19 lock-down. Tranquility being all around, the JOEBOB graphics studio almost felt like a monastery, and as a result my style of writing and my choice of pen had to fit. All this writing was turned into an authentic handwritten script font with over 150 ligatures, which make it look very credible and spontaneous. The font is especially suitable for personalized 'handwritten' notes, cards and messages. It can be used on T-shirts and on shop-windows. It has an 'instant logo' quality, it can be used for tattoo-designs and it screams home-made everything. And in case you are a writer you now have an option to print your work in a way that seems as if you wrote it yourself. Please note that even though the font comes with a complete set of Western characters, accents and special signs, the Cyrillic and Greek characters that are in the font do not make a complete set.
  12. Kometa by Kiril Zlatkov Type Foundry, $40.00
    Kometa Sans is a contemporary grotesk with a certain personality. She has a steady geometric skeleton, but its appearance is rather humanistic. The precise details of the artwork, the carefully drawn true italics, the six types of numerals, the variety of alternates, the broad range of open-type features and the extensive glyph set can meet most of the contemporary typographer’s demands for a neutral, but not boring type family for both long text and display use. Among the distinctive qualities of Kometa are also the forms of ligatures (both default and discretionary). They follow the natural constructive transitions between oval parts and stems, which is an advantage to mark, at least for designers who respect the beauty of clean forms. Note the specially designed Kometa Unicase sub-family, substantially enough to exist as a separate typeface. Its elegant and expressive letterforms are boosting further the power to create outstanding design work. Kometa Unicase has original and playful, yet reasonable approach to letterforms variety. Kometa has a very broad usability range – from logotypes and poster designs to corporate identities and complex editorial projects. The contemporary Cyrillics of Kometa allows easily completion of graphically consistent multilingual corporate and artistic design projects. Designed by Kiril Zlatkov and Vassil Kateliev.
  13. FS Koopman Variable by Fontsmith, $299.99
    New York to London via Europe The hardworking FS Koopman is a crossbred workhorse which draws inspiration from Swiss and Germanic grotesks, American gothics and early British grotesques, but refuses to fit neatly into any of these categories. Its neither one nor the other, but all of the above. Fontsmith designers Andy Lethbridge and Stuart de Rozario decided to take the characteristics they admired from each category and distill them down into one functional family. Neo meets Neue FS Koopman aims to swim against the tide of Helvetica-ish derivatives by bringing some personality and soul to a genre that all too often ends up feeling bland and sterile. FS Koopman subtly embraces the quirkiness and charm often seen in early twentieth century designs but pairs this with the functionality of later pioneers of the genre. It’s a grotesque isn’t it? The term grotesque surfaced around the early 1800s and refers to the early sans serif designs that many initially believed were strange or ‘grotesque’ due to their lack of elegant serifs. Later variations became known as neo-grotesques and this moniker stuck around even after they gained mass popularity. Some American variants became known as gothics. FS Koopman takes cues from all three categories and blends them into one cohesive design.
  14. Oktah by Groteskly Yours, $15.00
    Oktah is a geometric grotesk that comes both as a variable font and 22 static fonts: 11 uprights and 11 matching italics, which make it a great tool for those seeking a versatile font with a strong character and high legibility. Throw in a very pleasing look, elegant curves and a wide range of weights, and you'd get what Oktah aspires to be: a perfect typographic tool for every need.In Oktah, elegant geometric curves meet bold strokes and wide apertures. Round letters are nearly circular, but, to boost readability, slight changes were introduced for optical compensation. Oktah is also equipped with amazing OpenType features: case sensitive punctuation, ligatures, fractions, superscript and subscript figures, two kinds of circular figures, stylistic & contextual alternatives and much more! Oktah supports all major European languages, as well as Vietnamese and some dozens of foreign languages that you may encounter in your designs. We've got all that covered. The glyph count for each of the styles is 800+ characters. Two styles (Extra Light and Bold Italic) are free to try and experiment with. If you need wide language support and more extensive OpenType features, consider taking a look at Oktah Neue, a bigger version of the classic Oktah.
  15. Grange Text by Device, $39.00
    Grange Text is optimised for smaller text sizes, having more open character shapes and spacing. Use the non-text version of Grange for larger sizes and headlines, which has tighter spacing and detailing. Grange is the Device interpretation of the classic “Grot” thick/thin sans style. Unlike the traditional models on which it is based, Grange takes a rational, consistent approach across wide range of weights and widths for contemporary use. The font includes alternative curved and straighter versions of key characters, most obviously the lower-case ‘g' and capital ‘R', allowing the font to take on either a sharper or warmer, more playful appearance. These can be toggled on or off using the ‘Alts' feature in Illustrator, or ‘Stylistc Sets’ in Indesign. Contains proportional, lining and tabular numerals.
  16. Today - Unknown license
  17. Pantographia by Intellecta Design, $9.00
    Pantographia Collection is a Intellecta digitization, in facsimile style, without artistical interpretation of any kind, of the work of Edmund Fry (monumental book), Pantographia , a work on languages containing over 200 alphabets. We just are collecting in digital way these alphabets. Each alphabet has a short pdf description (see in the gallery). For example, in the pdf brochure of the "Saracen One" font, according to Edmund Fry, "This characters, according to Theseus Ambrosius, was used by the Saracens at the time of their conquests. Claude Duret, p. 475." Ambrosius, Theseus: Introductio in Chaldaicam lingua, Syriaca, atque Armenicam, [et] dece*. - 1539. Theseus Ambrosius or AMBROGIO, was an Italian orientalist, which born in 1469, and died in 1539 - He wrote his Introduction to the Chaldean, Syrian, Armenian, and ten other tongues, with the alphabetical characters of about forty different languages, 4to." The Pantographia font have only the original characters showed in Fry's book. There are instructions in the PDF files to get them. These fonts have no philological (or linguistic) academic pretentions. They are digitized and faithful versions of the original, like first published at Fry's book.
  18. Rubiesque by Nootype, $45.00
    Rubiesque is the sans serif version of Rubis, these two families share the same skeleton and weights. Rubiesque is a sans combining humanist and grotesk references which give this typeface an interesting & unique personnality. The regular and medium weights are perfect for text while the italic give an interesting texture to the text. The range of style give a good flexibility to this family. It’s a perfect family for editorial use. Rubiesque consists in a 10 styles family, from Light to Black with their corresponding italics. Each font includes OpenType Features such as Small Caps, Proportional Figure, Tabular Figures, Numerators, Superscript, Denominators, Scientific Inferiors, Subscript, Ordinals, Fractions and ligatures. Rubiesque family supports Latin and Cyrillic, all these languages are covered: Latin language support: Afar, Afrikaans, Albanian, Asturian, Azeri, Basque, Bosnian, Breton, Bulgarian, Catalan, Cornish, Corsican, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Faroese, Filipino, Finnish, Flemish, French, Frisian, Friulian, Gaelic, Galician, German, Greenlandic, Hungarian, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Kurdish, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Malagasy, Malay, Maltese, Maori, Moldavian, Norwegian, Occitan, Polish, Portuguese, Provençal, Romanian, Romansch, Saami, Samoan, Scots, Scottish, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish, Walloon, Welsh, Wolof Cyrillic language support: Adyghe, Avar, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Buryat, Chechen, Erzya, Ingush, Kabardian, Kalmyk, Karachay-Balkar, Karakalpak, Kazakh, Komi, Kyrgyz, Lak, Macedonian, Moldovan, Mongol, Permyak, Russian, Rusyn, Serbian, Tatar, Tofa, Tuvan, Ukrainian, Uzbek
  19. Qualion by ROHH, $39.00
    Qualion™ is a modern geometric grotesk typeface with humanist and calligraphic inspirations. The base of design is a minimal geometric sans serif with subtle humanist touches. Letter shapes are crafted with the highest care for beautiful proportions and excellent legibility. Qualion™ is a sibling of Qualion Round™ & Qualion Text™ - type family adjusted to fit paragraph text and small sizes best (narrower width, greater contrast, larger ink traps and tapering, adjusted spacing and kerning & even more calligraphic, elegant true italics). This versatile sans serif is not only well suited to clean, minimal projects and text paragraphs, but it has lots of features making it perfect for branding, logo design and all kinds of display use. All fonts are packed with alternates, swashes, terminal forms and ligatures, which make Qualion™ a very original ornamental type great for posters and packaging design. Qualion™ family consists of 10 weights with corresponding oblique and true italic styles, that give total of 30 styles. Both Oblique and Italic styles were hand drawn to get sharp and fine letter shapes. It has extended language support, as well as broad number of OpenType features, such as small caps, case sensitive forms, standard and discretionary ligatures, swashes, terminal forms, stylistic sets, contextual alternates, lining, oldstyle, tabular and small cap figures, slashed zero, fractions, superscript and subscript, ordinals, currencies and symbols.
  20. Rotola TH Pro by Elsner+Flake, $40.00
    Karl-Heinz Lange presented his first drafts of Rotola during a Typoart® type design competition in 1985 under the name "Boutique". A year later, Norbert du Vinage, former manager of the type design department, integrated "Boutique" in his production plan. Due the Fall of the Wall, it took about 18 years until Lange finished this font family in cooperation with Elsner+Flake. Karl-Heinz Lange was born on July 29, 1929 in Wiesenkirch in West Prussia. He was enrolled in the Humanistic Gymnasium at Elbing from 1939 to 1945 and changed to the Wernigerode High School after his family had to flee to central Germany. From 1949 to 1951, Karl-Heinz Lange studied at the Werkkunstschule Halle, where one of his teachers was Professor Post. After 1951, he continued his studies at the Hochschule for Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig with an emphasis on book design. He received his diploma in 1955 with distinction based on his design of a hot metal typeface. From 1956 to 1961, Karl-Heinz Lange worked as a lecturer for Type and Commercial Graphics at the Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst in Magdeburg. From 1961 to 1963, he taught at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig, and finally as a freelance commercial designer in Magdeburg. He worked on a variety of assignments, one of which was the design of trick films. From 1969 to 1976 he took the position of Artistic Director of the Henschelverlag, Berlin; from 1976 to 1994 he was Professor of Type and Typography at the Fachschule für Werbung und Gestaltung in Berlin; and, until 2004, he taught at various institutes for advanced professional education. From 2005 to 2007 he taught at the Fachhochschule Magdeburg/Stendal. Karl-Heinz Lange was awarded the second prize at the "International Type Design Contest 1971" for a headline typeface, and, in 1984, at the XI. Biannual of Graphic Design in Brno, he won a Silver Medal for the design of his typeface family Publica. He created the telephone book typeface Minima and re-designed the Typoart Super Grotesk® (Arno Drescher, 1930) as well as the Newspaper typeface Magna® by Herbert Thannhaeuser for the use on digital typesetting systems. To the day of his death on June 29, 2010, Karl-Heinz Lange lived and worked as a type designer. Among others, he closely followed the designs of the typefaces which were developed under his guidance for Typoart®: "Publica®", "Typoart Super Grotesk®" and "Minima®" which he launched as "Publicala", "Minimala" and "Superla" in 2009. In cooperation with Elsner+Flake, he developed the Typeface family "Rotola" between 2006 and 2009 as well as the script families of the "Viabella®" series. To the end, he followed the development of his first typeface, the "Diplom Antiqua", which he also wanted to bring to market together with Elsner+Flake.
  21. Hebden by Lewis McGuffie Type, $34.99
    Hebden is a ‘Northern’ font. Inspired by the town Hebden Bridge in Yorkshire, the family is a mix of a grotesque and an incised serif. The grot is based on Victorian train station signage and the serif is style that can be spotted in and around the Yorkshire Dales region. Hebden has a nostalgic twist and is ideal for labelling, signage and memorable messages. The grotesque face with its robust angles and warm circular curves recalls the style of traditional English sans-serifs like Caslon’s 2-Line Egyptian. The incised face has strong but sophisticated and natural forms and is based on a wood carved style popular in the early 20th century. The weight of the two faces are are drawn to complement each other creating an evenly balanced combination. Both faces come with caps, lower caps across letters and numerals, and have Western, Central and Eastern European language support.
  22. Polar by Daniel Uzquiano, $150.00
    Polar is a sans-serif grotesk with characteristic ink traps and rounded vertexes. Polar is a variable font. It is versatile, modern, elegant and neutral. It can be displayed in a range from 200 to 900 in its weight axe to play many different roles. The font has 5 predefined instances, Thin Display, Light, Regular, Bold and Heavy Display, in two styles, regular & italic, with 716 glyphs each of them. Polar has 25 OpenType features such as ligatures, fractions, stylistic alternates, localized forms, old-style figures, etc. It can be suitable for long texts. It also works great as a perfect display font for all caps headings, especially with its thin and heavy weight variants. Polar covers Latin, Central European characters & supports 101 languages: Afrikaans, Albanian, Asu, Basque, Bemba, Bena, Breton, Catalan, Chiga, Colognian, Cornish, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Embu, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Faroese, Filipino, Finnish, French, Friulian, Galician, Ganda, German, Gusii, Hungarian, Igbo, Inari, Sami, Indonesian, Irish, Italian, Jola-Fonyi, Kabuverdianu, Kalaallisut, Kalenjin, Kamba, Kikuyu, Kinyarwanda, Koyraboro Senni, Koyra Chiini, Latvian, Lithuanian, Lower Sorbian, Luo, Luxembourgish, Luyia, Machame, Makhuwa-Meetto, Makonde, Malagasy, Maltese, Manx, Meru, Morisyen, Northern Sami, North Ndebele, Norwegian Bokmål, Norwegian Nynorsk, Nyankole, Oromo, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Romanian, Romansh, Rombo, Rundi, Rwa, Samburu, Sango, Sangu, Scottish, Gaelic, Sena, Serbian, Shambala, Shona, Slovak, Soga, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Swiss, German, Taita, Tasawaq, Teso, Turkish, Upper, Sorbian, Uzbek (Latin), Vietnamese, Volapük, Vunjo, Walser, Welsh, Western Frisian, Yoruba, Zarma, Zulu.
  23. PG Grotesque by Paulo Goode, $30.00
    This is my interpretation of Edel Grotesk – a “lost typeface” from circa 1914 produced by Johannes Wagner GmbH of Ingolstadt, Germany. PG Grotesque is definitely not a revival, or even a faithful reproduction of that typeface as I was unable to source enough accurate references. What I have done is take the essence and unique characteristics of that typeface and brought this forgotten gem right into the 21st century. The full family features 99 fonts spread across 9 weights and 6 widths. PG Grotesque is also available as a single variable font so that you can fine tune the width, weight, and italic angle to your exact preference. Distinctive features include high-waisted capitals, a straight-legged capital ‘R’, and flattened arches in the ‘a’ and ‘g’ glyphs. Using PG Grotesque will give your typography a distinctly retro feel with its vintage heritage inherent in every character. You will find this is an incredibly versatile typeface with added value from its extensive language coverage along with small caps availability at the click of a button. PG Grotesque will prove to be a valuable asset in your type arsenal. Test drive PG Grotesque today – both the Regular and Italic fonts are offered as a free download. See full details and hi-res images at https://paulogoode.com/pg-grotesque Key features: 9 Weights 6 Widths 99 Fonts Small Caps Old Style Figures European Language Support (Latin) 550+ Glyphs per font
  24. FF Mark Paneuropean by FontFont, $79.00
    Geometric sans fonts in the Bauhaus tradition were the inspiration for the design of FF Mark®, for example the Universal font by Herbert Bayer, Erbar® Grotesk, Kabel®, Neuzeit Grotesk and of course Paul Renner's Futura®. From an aesthetic point of view, FF Mark is a descendant of these classics of German typeface design that intends to meet the needs of modern communication. Hannes von Döhren and Christoph Koeberlin had the support of the entire FontFont Type Department in the design of FF Mark, including Erik Spiekermann, who took over the artistic direction of the project. The teamwork resulted in carefully planned, balanced forms, which are responsible for the harmonious overall impression of the font. The capitals are not based on Roman square capitals; rather, they have a uniformly wide letter form in a comfortable ratio to the x-height. Thanks to the x-height, which is significantly larger compared to the historical models, FF Mark is also very legible in small sizes. This makes it a very flexible font in terms of its range of applications. A contrast in the stroke width is barely noticeable. At the same time, light modulation supports readability, especially in the bold styles in small sizes. The uniform line ends are obvious for a contemporary sans family nowadays (unlike some of the historical precedents, which evolved over years). Other details from the predecessors are consciously maintained and provide for added individuality in FF Mark. For example, the limbs in the uppercase "K" and "R" are offset slightly from the stem. Alternative characters with crossbars are available for the numbers "0", "1", "7" and the uppercase "Z" and the lowercase "a" also has an alternative with an open form. German typesetters have the option of uppercase umlauts with points that are set lower, as well as a long "s" from the Fraktur. And last but not least, FF Mark has the very characteristic ft-ligature of Futura. FF Mark is available in ten finely tuned weights ranging from Hairline to Black. A Book style for text setting further emphasizes the well-rounded features of this contemporary typeface. When the font was published, it also included ten carefully designed cursives for all weights. Users also have the option of various numeral sets with old-style and uppercase numbers as well as small capitals. FF Mark also has some geometric shapes and arrows based on the features of Futura. FF Mark is a modern, full-featured, geometric sans serif that you can use without hesitation for large projects in headlines as well as in texts. FF Mark's design is a nod to the historical models and transports their charm, elegance and in some cases unusual design applications into a modern font family equipped with the most current typographical features. NEW: the new FF Mark W1G versions features a pan-European character set for international communications. The W1G character set supports almost all the popular languages/writing systems in western, eastern, and central Europe based on the Latin alphabet and also several based on Cyrillic and Greek alphabets.
  25. Huxley Vertical by Bitstream, $29.99
    The PARATYPE library is our latest major addition, consisting of more than 370 typefaces. In the spirit of the perestroika changes and following the collapse of the Soviet Union, a group of Russian type designers quit the state-owned Polygraphmash foundry to establish ParaType, the first, and now largest Russian digital type foundry. The ParaType team under the supervision of Vladimir Yefimov creates new typefaces and explores the Russian typographic heritage by making digital versions of existing Russian designs: these include the hits of Soviet typography such as Literaturnaya and Journal Sans. Most ParaType fonts are available in Western/Roman, Central European, Turkish and Cyrillic encodings. The Russian constructivist and avant garde movements of the early 20th century inspired many ParaType typefaces, including Rodchenko, Quadrat Grotesk, Ariergard, Unovis, Tauern, Dublon and Stroganov. The ParaType library also includes many excellent book and newspaper typefaces such as Octava, Lazurski, Bannikova, Neva or Petersburg. On the other hand, if you need a pretty face to knock your clients dead, meet the ParaType girls: Tatiana, Betina, Hortensia, Irina, Liana, Nataliscript, Nina, Olga and Vesna (also check Zhikharev who is not a girl but still very pretty). ParaType excels in adding Cyrillic characters to existing Latin typefaces — if your company is ever going to do business with Eastern Europe, we recommend you make them part of your corporate identity! ParaType created CE and Cyrillic versions of popular typefaces licensed from other foundries, including Bell Gothic, Caslon, English 157, Futura, Original Garamond, Gothic 725, Humanist 531, Kis, Raleigh, or Zapf Elliptical 711.
  26. Transport New by K-Type, $20.00
    Transport New is a redrawing of the typeface designed for British road signs. In addition to the familiar Heavy and Medium weights, Transport New extrapolates and adds a previously unreleased Light weight font originally planned for back-lit signage but never actually applied. Version 3.0 of Transport New features significant improvements including numerous outline and spacing refinements, and a full complement of Latin Extended-A characters. Also, to align Transport New with the 2015 release of Motorway, the other typeface used for UK road signage, Italic fonts for all three weights have been added. Originally designed by Jock Kinneir and Margaret Calvert beginning in 1957 and first published on the Preston bypass in 1958, the original Transport font has subtle eccentricities which add to its distinctiveness, and drawing the New version involved walking a tightrope between impertinently eliminating awkwardness and maintaining idiosyncrasy. The Grotesk roots of the glyphs were investigated and cheekily fine-tuned – uncomfortably close terminals of characters such as 5, 6, C, G, and e were shortened, the S and s were given a more upright aspect and their protruding lower terminals tucked in, overly wide glyphs like the number 4 were narrowed, and some claustrophobic counters were slightly opened up. The question mark was redesigned and parentheses given some stroke contrast. The x height was edged fractionally even taller. The Heavy font is actually more of a Bold, and the Light is pretty much a regular weight, but the original nomenclature has been retained for old times’ sake.
  27. Familiar Pro by CheapProFonts, $-
    This family was inspired by a Type Battle over at Typophile: How would you design a font metrically compatible with Helvetica, but better than Arial? Working with preset letter widths was an interesting constraint, both a relief and a limitation at the same time. I have done all the 4 basic weights, and the skewed obliques (done to a slightly less steep 10 degrees angle as opposed to the originals 12) has been optically adjusted. The letters have been designed quite close to the german/swiss grotesk tradition, but by using super-elliptical rounds, rounded dots and slightly curved outer diagonals the end result is a friendly looking font family that still looks... familiar. ALL fonts from CheapProFonts have very extensive language support: They contain some unusual diacritic letters (some of which are contained in the Latin Extended-B Unicode block) supporting: Cornish, Filipino (Tagalog), Guarani, Luxembourgian, Malagasy, Romanian, Ulithian and Welsh. They also contain all glyphs in the Latin Extended-A Unicode block (which among others cover the Central European and Baltic areas) supporting: Afrikaans, Belarusian (Lacinka), Bosnian, Catalan, Chichewa, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, Greenlandic, Hungarian, Kashubian, Kurdish (Kurmanji), Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Maori, Polish, Saami (Inari), Saami (North), Serbian (latin), Slovak(ian), Slovene, Sorbian (Lower), Sorbian (Upper), Turkish and Turkmen. And they of course contain all the usual "western" glyphs supporting: Albanian, Basque, Breton, Chamorro, Danish, Estonian, Faroese, Finnish, French, Frisian, Galican, German, Icelandic, Indonesian, Irish (Gaelic), Italian, Northern Sotho, Norwegian, Occitan, Portuguese, Rhaeto-Romance, Sami (Lule), Sami (South), Scots (Gaelic), Spanish, Swedish, Tswana, Walloon and Yapese.
  28. RRollie by Eurotypo, $38.00
    RRollie is a typeface family inspired on the proportions of the Roman capital in the Augusto's age, some of them can be seen in inscriptions of Pompeii; in this particular case, it has taken an inscription from a tomb of the year 15 AD. The subtlety of the serif is hardly insinuates, helping to strut the terminals of the stems. Ascenders and descenders are very short. The thickness variation is presented quite delicate, highlighting the light-dark passage and even the agile counterblocks of the typeface. These fonts can be used in many kind of graphic works by its strong personality, visual impact and readability. This font family include OpenType features: Standard and discretionary ligatures, small caps, case sensitive from, old style figures, tabular, diacritics for western languages and many others. Roberto Rollie (1935-2003) was an outstanding professional of Graphic Design, Photography and Visual Artist. He was involved in the creation of the career of Visual Communication Design at the Faculty of Fine Arts (National University of La Plata, Argentina), in the late '60s; he was a pioneer and great teacher too, who loved the Roman Capitals for its subtle and balanced design, especially for high readability and clever design. Those who, like me, knew him as a person and teacher, we are deeply grateful for having received their warmth and enthusiasm for graphic design.
  29. Stamen by Wordshape, $20.00
    Stamen is the answer to a big question: What would happen if one tried to create a typeface that was ‘out of time’? If a type designer was to turn off the internet and put away the type specimens and just try to explore limbic, phantom history, what might that look like? No slavish explorations of the past. No gropings toward the future. No exhaustive core sample of the contemporary. Instead, using what one remembers of history and our collective vision of the future (usually a future imagined from the past) and channeling that into something that is, hopefully, new… The Bentons meet Frutiger for a Manhattan on a space station while Matthew Carter sways to the sweet sounds of the chorale that occasionally played through the halls of Stephenson Blake. This smear of implicit history expressed without explicit reference—this is Stamen: a family of 12 typefaces with a ton of alternate characters. The bold weight was designed for the LP “I Thought the Future Would Be Cooler” ( http://ittfwbc.com/ ) by the band YACHT in response to their request for a typeface that was ‘lost in time’, and refers to neither strict historical models nor purely futuristic forms. I built a small family out from there. It works well in text, but just as well for display setting. I think you’ll enjoy using it.
  30. Kuschelfraktur by Catharsis Fonts, $36.00
    Kuschelfraktur is a unique, eye-catching take on the theme of blackletter that replaces the broad nib with a brush pen and achieves stroke modulation through stencil-like gaps. It combines the texture and dignity of blackletter with the human warmth of informal handwriting. Kuschelfraktur offers five separate sets of capital letters and several additional customization option via stylistic alternates. The degree of ornamentation in the blackletter capitals can be increased (SS02) or decreased (SS07), while SS04 and SS05 offer two simpler approaches to capital letters that bridge from blackletter to Roman letters (Antiqua). The default single-storey �a� can be replaced with a two-storey version in SS01, and SS08 offers a single-storey capital �A� for the simple capitals. Finally, SS03 restores some of the more unique letter shapes of the Fraktur style of blackletter. The old-style figures can be replaced with lining and/or tabular figures. All these stylistic sets are accessible via OpenType from the main font, Kuschelfraktur, whereas the spin-off fonts (Traditional, Verziert, Text, Schlicht, Antiqua) offer convenient access to those sets even in environments without OpenType support. I am grateful to the helpful souls on the TypeDrawers and Typographie.info forums for encouragement and constructive feedback, and to the Glyphs team for their fantastic type editor. Kuschelfraktur is dedicated to my son Marius.
  31. Ongunkan Phoenician by Runic World Tamgacı, $50.00
    Phoenician/Canaanite The Phoenician alphabet developed from the Proto-Canaanite alphabet, during the 15th century BC. Before then the Phoenicians wrote with a cuneiform script. The earliest known inscriptions in the Phoenician alphabet come from Byblos and date back to 1000 BC. The Phoenician alphabet was perhaps the first alphabetic script to be widely-used - the Phoenicians traded around the Mediterraean and beyond, and set up cities and colonies in parts of southern Europe and North Africa - and the origins of most alphabetic writing systems can be traced back to the Phoenician alphabet, including Greek, Etruscan, Latin, Arabic and Hebrew, as well as the scripts of India and East Asia. Notable features Type of writing system: abjad / consonant alphabet with no vowel indication Writing direction: right to left in hortizontal lines. Sometimes boustrophedon. Script family: Proto-Sinaitic, Phoenician Number of letters: 22 - there was considerable variation in their forms in different regions and at different times. The names of the letters are acrophonic, and their names and shapes can be ultimately traced back to Egyptian Hieroglyphs. For example, the name of the first letter, 'aleph, means ox and developed from a picture of an ox's head. Some of the letter names were changed by the Phoenicians, including gimel, which meant camel in Phoenician, but was originally a picture of a throwing stick (giml).
  32. Miedinger by Canada Type, $24.95
    Helvetica’s 50-year anniversary celebrations in 2007 were overwhelming and contagious. We saw the movie. Twice. We bought the shirts and the buttons. We dug out the homage books and re-read the hate articles. We mourned the fading non-color of an old black shirt proudly exclaiming that “HELVETICA IS NOT AN ADOBE FONT”. We took part in long conversations discussing the merits of the Swiss classic, that most sacred of typographic dreamboats, outlasting its builder and tenants to go on alone and saturate the world with the fundamental truth of its perfect logarithm. We swooned again over its subtleties (“Ah, that mermaid of an R!”). We rehashed decades-old debates about “Hakzidenz,” “improvement in mind” and “less is more.” We dutifully cursed every single one of Helvetica’s knockoffs. We breathed deeply and closed our eyes on perfect Shakti Gawain-style visualizations of David Carson hack'n'slashing Arial — using a Swiss Army knife, no less — with all the infernal post-brutality of his creative disturbance and disturbed creativity. We then sailed without hesitation into the absurdities of analyzing Helvetica’s role in globalization and upcoming world blandness (China beware! Helvetica will invade you as silently and transparently as a sheet of rice paper!). And at the end of a perfect celebratory day, we positively affirmed à la Shakti, and solemnly whispered the energy of our affirmation unto the universal mind: “We appreciate Helvetica for getting us this far. We are now ready for release and await the arrival of the next head snatcher.” The great hype of Swisspalooza '07 prompted a look at Max Miedinger, the designer of Neue Haas Grotesk (later renamed to Helvetica). Surprisingly, what little biographical information available about Miedinger indicates that he was a typography consultant and type sales rep for the Haas foundry until 1956, after which time he was a freelance graphic designer — rather than the full-time type designer most Helvetica enthusiasts presume him to have been. It was under that freelance capacity that he was commissioned to design the regular and bold weights of Neue Haas Grotesk typeface. His role in designing Helvetica was never really trumpeted until long after the typeface attained global popularity. And, again surprisingly, Miedinger designed two more typefaces that seem to have been lost to the dust of film type history. One is called Pro Arte (1954), a very condensed Playbill-like slab serif that is similar to many of its genre. The other, made in 1964, is much more interesting. Its original name was Horizontal. Here it is, lest it becomes a Haas-been, presented to you in digital form by Canada Type under the name of its original designer, Miedinger, the Helvetica King. The original film face was a simple set of bold, panoramically wide caps and figures that give off a first impression of being an ultra wide Gothic incarnation of Microgramma. Upon a second look, they are clearly more than that. This face is a quirky, very non-Akzidental take on the vernacular, mostly an exercise in geometric modularity, but also includes some unconventional solutions to typical problems (like thinning the midline strokes across the board to minimize clogging in three-storey forms). This digital version introduces four new weights, ranging from Thin to Medium, alongside the bold original. The Miedinger package comes in all popular font formats, and supports Western, Central and Eastern European languages, as well as Esperanto, Maltese, Turkish and Celtic/Welsh. A few counter-less alternates are included in the fonts.
  33. Upton by Halbfett, $30.00
    Upton is a modern and condensed sans serif. The initial inspiration for its design came from lettering Wim Crouwel created for a poster design. It also takes some cues from neutral grotesks like Helvetica and Akzidenz. Because of its narrow letterforms, Upton is best applied to headlines and poster-sized typography. Upton’s italics were designed with high-quality compensation for all circles and strokes. Upton ships in two different formats. Depending on your preference, you can install the typeface as two Variable Fonts or use the family’s 14 static OpenType font files instead. Those weights run from Extralight to Extrabold. While the static-format fonts offer a good intermediary-step selection, users who install the Variable Font have vastly greater control over their text’s stroke width. The weight axes in Upton’s Variable Fonts allow users to differentiate between almost 1,000 possible font weights. That enables you to fine-tune your text’s exact appearance on-screen or in print. In its fonts, Upton has several ligatures. That includes optional “discretionary ligatures,” which bring a unique tone to display usage. For instance, the fonts include optional ligatures for the letter combinations “E-T”, “F-l”, “L-E-T-T-E”, “L-E-T-T”, “L-E-T”, “L-E-L-O”, “L-U”, “i-j”. and “m-m”. There are also many alternate glyphs. Stylistic Set 1 substitutes in new forms for “G”, “R”, “a”, “f”, “g”, “i”, “r”, “t”, and “y”. Six more Stylistic Sets have alternates for the “æ”, “g”, “k”, “o”, “K”, “O”, and “Q”. Additional OpenType features activate other useful features, such as fractions, numbers in circles, or symbols.
  34. Conthey Inline by ROHH, $29.00
    Conthey Inline™ is your new retro-display best friend! The one and only, unique IN-AND-OUT typeface with strong personality and outstanding flexibility. This display sans features amazing variable fonts letting you adjust not only width of the letters, but also let you fluently transition from thin inline styles to thin outline ones. This mechanics opens a world full of layering possibilities as well as a great fine-tuning ability. The family consists of 39 OpenType fonts - 18 pure inline/outline styles in 3 widths (Narrow, Condensed, Normal) and 21 styles carefully prepared and tuned for layering. For even greater flexibility 3 variable fonts are included in the set. In addition to flexible width and inline-outline transitioning, this playful typeface features 4 different inline styles to spice up things even more! All styles were meticulously crafted with the highest attention to detail in the letterforms as well as spacing. Conthey Inline is a sibling of Conthey, a display unicase family as well as Lutschine, a versatile modern narrow display typeface. Conthey Inline composes perfectly with its family members, covering a very broad range of design scenarios. All these typefaces are a part of big type system containing also a workhorse sans serifs such as Rothorn and Montreux Grotesk. You will have a lot of success using Conthey Inline for any kind of playful, vintage/retro, organic, friendly and stylized designs. Especially, industries such as food & beverage, travel, hospitality, fashion, healthcare, sports, lifestyle, music, art, entertainment and products for youth are perfect areas to make Conthey Inline shine with all its charm.
  35. Motorway by K-Type, $20.00
    MOTORWAY is the companion typeface to TRANSPORT, the British road sign lettering. The Motorway alphabet was created for the route numbers on motorway signage, and is taller and narrower than the accompanying place names and distances which are printed in Transport. However, for Motorway Jock Kinneir and Margaret Calvert created only the numbers 0 to 9, the capitals A, B, E, M, N, S and W, ampersand, slash, parentheses and a comma. So, although the lettering made its first appearance on the Preston bypass in 1958, K-Type Motorway is the first complete typeface and contains all upper and lower case letters, plus a full complement of punctuation, symbols and Latin Extended-A accented characters. As with the Transport alphabet the starting point was Akzidenz Grotesk, Motorway taking inspiration from condensed versions. Changes were mainly driven by a quest for legibility, resulting in some reduced contrast between horizontal and vertical strokes, and Gill-esque straight diagonal limbs on the 6 and 9, and high vertex for the M. Kinneir and Calvert designed the limited range of characters in two weights; a SemiBold 'Permanent' weight for use as white letters on blue motorway signs, and a Bold 'Temporary' weight for heavier black letters on yellow non-permanent signage. In addition to creating full fonts in both original weights, the K-Type family adds a new Regular weight, plus a set of italics, completing a highly usable condensed typeface which, while rooted in history, is fully functional for both print and web usage. The K-Type fonts are spaced and kerned normally, simply increase the tracking to recapture the generous spacing of motorway signage.
  36. Mackay by René Bieder, $39.00
    Mackay is a powerful transitional serif in 6 weights plus matching italics, designed for screen and print. The eccentric serifs on uppercase letters like E, F, L and T are inspired by Alexander Kay’s “Ronaldson” from 1884, working as the starting point for the family. The lowercase letters follow the traditional Antiqua model with attributes tracing back to drawings from the early 20th century. The “grotesk” lowercase a, as well as the sharp lowercase s, derived from the closed shapes of uppercase letters like C, G or S, create a compact and bold appearance while a large x-height and small descenders add a modern look. In favor of a dynamic and elegant impression, the design of the italic cuts come with a strong calligraphic influence. This results in completely new shapes for letters like lowercase a or g, ensuring a smooth integration into their surrounding letters while maintaining a distinctive appearance when combining with romans. The family comes with a variety of opentype features like case sensitive shapes, old style figures, fractions, ordinals and many more. Additional attention was given to the standard and discretionary ligatures, extending the structure of the basic glyphs with elegantly designed letter combinations for g/i, i/t or s/t. According to their dynamic architecture, the italic weights are equipped with additional initial swash characters to subtle accentuate the calligraphic roots. As a result of a high stroke contrast the family works great in paragraphs with medium to large font sizes like headlines, short paragraphs or logos. With its 12 cuts, the family meets all requirements on high quality typography.
  37. Ongunkan Proto Bulgarian Runic by Runic World Tamgacı, $70.00
    Kъnig – the old Bulgar runes The writing kъnig emerged in the places of ancient Thraco-Bulgarian migrations in ante-deluvial times and developed in stages paralleling the other ancient writings. There have been many interactions and loanings between kъnig and these other writings. The root of the word kъnig (OBg: кънигъı) comes from the Old Chinese k'üen 'scroll' (ModCh: 纸卷 zhǐjuǎn) [57]. The word was loaned directly in the Bulgar language (*kün'ig > *küniv) restoring two individual Old Chuvash forms: 1. *k'ün'čьk > кўнчěк kind of ornament on a woman's garment; *k'ün'-gi / *k'ün'-üg > k'ün'iv book, codex, which is evidenced by the Hungarian könyv book and Mordvinian konov paper borrowings; 2. *k'ün'i- > *k'ün'i-gi > к'әn'iγь > кънигъı. This word has been preserved in Sumerian as kunuku (inscription) and kəniga (writing, knowledge). It is inherited from Bulgar to Slavic: книга (Bulgarian and Russian), књига (Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian), kniha (Czech and Slovak), książka (Polish), and non-Slavic: könyv (Hungarian) languages. Kъnig letters (kъni) have been known from archeological finds for more than 100 years already; however, until recently, no attempt has been made to decipher them, find their phonological value, or connect them to their natural successors: the Glagolitic and Cyrillic alphabets. The oldest mention on the Bulgar runes is found in the mid-9th c. AD work On the Letters by the Bulgarian writer Chernorizets Hrabъr. Being already a Christian, he wrote pejoratively about the pagan Bulgars
  38. Divina Proportione by Intellecta Design, $29.00
    Divina Proportione is based from the original studies from Luca Pacioli. Luca Pacioli was born in 1446 or 1447 in Sansepolcro (Tuscany) where he received an abbaco education. Luca Pacioli was born in 1446 or 1447 in Sansepolcro (Tuscany) where he received an abbaco education. [This was education in the vernacular (i.e. the local tongue) rather than Latin and focused on the knowledge required of merchants.] He moved to Venice around 1464 where he continued his own education while working as a tutor to the three sons of a merchant. It was during this period that he wrote his first book -- a treatise on arithmetic for the three boys he was tutoring. Between 1472 and 1475, he became a Franciscan friar. In 1475, he started teaching in Perugia and wrote a comprehensive abbaco textbook in the vernacular for his students during 1477 and 1478. It is thought that he then started teaching university mathematics (rather than abbaco) and he did so in a number of Italian universities, including Perugia, holding the first chair in mathematics in two of them. He also continued to work as a private abbaco tutor of mathematics and was, in fact, instructed to stop teaching at this level in Sansepolcro in 1491. In 1494, his first book to be printed, Summa de arithmetica, geometria, proportioni et proportionalita, was published in Venice. In 1497, he accepted an invitation from Lodovico Sforza ("Il Moro") to work in Milan. There he met, collaborated with, lived with, and taught mathematics to Leonardo da Vinci. In 1499, Pacioli and Leonardo were forced to flee Milan when Louis XII of France seized the city and drove their patron out. Their paths appear to have finally separated around 1506. Pacioli died aged 70 in 1517, most likely in Sansepolcro where it is thought he had spent much of his final years. De divina proportione (written in Milan in 1496–98, published in Venice in 1509). Two versions of the original manuscript are extant, one in the Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan, the other in the Bibliothèque Publique et Universitaire in Geneva. The subject was mathematical and artistic proportion, especially the mathematics of the golden ratio and its application in architecture. Leonardo da Vinci drew the illustrations of the regular solids in De divina proportione while he lived with and took mathematics lessons from Pacioli. Leonardo's drawings are probably the first illustrations of skeletonic solids, an easy distinction between front and back. The work also discusses the use of perspective by painters such as Piero della Francesca, Melozzo da Forlì, and Marco Palmezzano. As a side note, the "M" logo used by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City is taken from De divina proportione. “ The Ancients, having taken into consideration the rigorous construction of the human body, elaborated all their works, as especially their holy temples, according to these proportions; for they found here the two principal figures without which no project is possible: the perfection of the circle, the principle of all regular bodies, and the equilateral square. ” —De divina proportione
  39. Deva Ideal by DizajnDesign, $49.95
    Deva Ideal was inspired by women’s beauty. It didn’t come only from the desire to create a new typeface. It also seeks to materialize beauty in a visual form. Instead of imitating the shapes of the female body or other formal attributes, Deva Ideal is an abstract expression of the women’s beauty. The unique character of the typeface is achieved by the use of soft, almost invisibly bent strokes, since one of the priorities of the typeface is not to disturb the eye of the reader with odd design details. Deva Ideal excels in her cold beauty and shows her sex appeal. The soft curves present in Deva Ideal differ from the masculine and technical shapes used in most contemporary typefaces. Deva Ideal has ideal proportions (90 / 60 / 90) and its shapes are essential and simple. Because of this, it is ideal for setting text in all kinds of printed matter: catalogues, books and magazines. The letter forms are wide and open, so text can be set in small sizes and thus space can be saved, while keeping the same degree of readability. The author wishes to acknowledge František Štorm for his invaluable opinions. Also to Palo Bálik and Peter Bilak for their contributions. I am specially grateful to all the devas (archaic expression for beautiful young girl), who inspired me to design this typeface. This is dedicated to Janka Ráczová, Jarka Krajčiová, Mariana Felgueiras and obviously to Martinka Filípková! Every use of Deva Ideal is a little homage to these interesting women.
  40. Aretino by Eurotypo, $24.00
    Pietro Aretino (1492 – 1556) Was an Italian author, playwright, poet, satirist and blackmailer, who wielded influence on contemporary art and politics. The most vigorous and versatile vernacular writer of the 16th century He was a very versatile writer, famous for his Lascivious Sonnets – which caused great scandal at the time – but also for his satirical verses, addressed to all the powerful people in Italy, without forgetting the many plays that he wrote for the theatre. Part of the charm of his letters is that through them you may know the whole of Venetian society from the top to the bottom. The little-known church of San Luca in Venice (in St Mark's district) has been a place of pilgrimage for centuries for people who are decidedly not devout: journalists, writers, free thinkers. In 1556 Pietro Aretino, a unique character of the Italian and Venetian Renaissance period was buried there. Such strong of personality, has contributed to generate the powerful wind of change that emerged from the italian renaissance. We have inspired on that talent searching for a new sight the famous Venetian typefaces. Probably looking for more vigour and contemporary digital style. This typeface is slightly condensed, lighter and has more contrast between the thick and thin letter-strokes, it has concave bracketed serif. Their ascender and descenders strokes are very shorts. Aretino family is completed by four weigh: Regular, SemiBold, Bold and ExtraBold, while Italics has three weighs. These fonts came with a full OpenType features and CE languages.
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