* For when you need the most realistic looking electronic display. * See User Manuals Main advantages: - Spacing between characters does not change when entering a decimal point or colon between them. - Custom characters can be produced by selecting any combination of segments to be displayed. Low cost electronic displays have a fixed number of segments that can be turned on or off to represent different symbols. A digital watch would be the most common example. Fonts typically available for depicting electronic displays are often in the artistic style of these common LED or LCD displays. They provide the look-and-feel, but fall short when technical accuracy is required. Failure to represent an accurate and consistent representation of the real thing can be a cringe-worthy experience for the product design and marketing team, or even the hobbyist for that matter. To solve this problem, Fortune Fonts has released a range of fonts that accurately depict the displays typically found on low cost electronic devices: watches, answering machines, car stereos, alarm clocks, microwaves and toys. These fonts come with numbers, letters and symbols predefined. However, they also allow you to create your own segment combinations for the custom symbols you need. When producing manuals, marketing material and user interfaces, accuracy is an all-or-nothing concept. Instructions in the user manual describe how to turn these fonts into realistic displays according to your own design, in the manner of the images above. If you cannot see a license option for your specific application, such a license may be purchased from here. By purchasing and/or using and/or distributing the font, the buyer, user and distributor (including Monotype Imaging Inc. & Monotype Imaging Hong Kong) agrees to (1) indemnify and hold harmless the font foundry and neither the font foundry nor distributor is responsible to the buyer or user or any other party for any consequential, incidental, special, punitive or other damages of any kind resulting from the use of the deliverables including, but not limited to, loss of revenues, profits, goodwill, savings or expected savings, due to; including, but not limited to, failure of the deliverables to perform it’s described function, or the deliverable’s infringement of patents, copyrights, trademarks, design rights, contract claims, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights of the foundry, distributor, buyer or other parties, (2) not use the fonts to assist in design of, or be incorporated into, non-software displays.