Boge LP is a new font family designed to communicate lucidly in text as well as in headlines and titles. The family consists of Regular, Italic, Bold, Bold Italic & Black. Character sets include a full compliment of multi-language support and fine-tuned kerning to make Boge™ a smart choice for professional quality typography from text to billboard-sized advertising. Regular and Bold styles include designed small caps and old-style numerals accessed as OpenType features. An original serif design, Boge blends traditional aesthetic with contemporary refinement. Its hallmarks are: clarity, readability, geniality, competence. The five related styles provide a strong palette for coloring words, text and ideas with quiet authority. Garrett Boge has been designing type for over 30 years, working with Apple, Microsoft, Adobe, Disney and numerous corporate clients. His background in calligraphy, commercial lettering, graphic design, and typography has been channeled into creating this namesake design. Boge Text joins his other popular faces — Spring, Florens, Bermuda, Spumoni, Longhand, Tomboy, Wendy — under the LetterPerfect Fonts brand, marketed through Monotype and its partners.