
I have a Windows .FON font that I need to convert to

a TrueType font.

Is there any program that can do this ?

Best regards,


i know its an old post, but i will answer for the google searchers like me :)

gahtering info from http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Comp/comp.fonts/2006-06/msg00002.html

"this is my very humble opinion, and a correct answer (for screen purpose only) could be:

Part 1: FON to BDF Convertion.

For example, using the Macromedia Fontographer ver.4.1 (Windows 98, not XP!):

- File->New Font,

- File->Import->Bitmaps... (a_font.fon),

- File->Generate Font Files... (output bitmap font format: BDF),

- Rename "untitled.YY" to "a_font.bdf",

- Remember the values followed after the keyword "FONTBOUNDINGBOX" in a_font.bdf -

the font's WIDTH, HEIGHT, LEFT, BOTTOM (for example: 8 12 0 -2),

- Replace all "SWIDTH 0 0" and "SWIDTH 1000 0" values with "SWIDTH 0", where

WIDTH1 = WIDTH * 1000 / HEIGHT (for example: "SWIDTH 667 0").

Part 2: BDF to TTF Convertion (Using FontLab Studio 5).

- File->New,

- File->Font Info->Names and Copyright->Full Name: a_font,

- File->Font Info->Metrics and Dimensions: Set "Font's UPM size" to HEIGHT*100, scaling glyphs (1200),

- File->Import->Bitmap Font... (a_font.bdf),

- Edit->Select All,

- Tools->Background->Trace Pixels,

- (If needed) Select the "space" cell, execute:

Glyph->Create Glyphs and Tools->Action->Metrics->Set width: (667),

- File->Font Info->Metrics and Dimensions: adjust the values according to the "Font's UPM size", for example

(assume "UPM size" = 1200):

[Key dimensions]

Ascender = 900

Descender = -200

Caps height = 900

x height = 600

Check "Font is monospaced" if needed


[TrueType-specific metrics] : "Set custom values" :

Typo Ascender = 900

Typo Descender = -200

Typo Line Gap = 0

WinAscent = 1000

WinDescent = -200


- File->Generate Font: a_font.ttf

My best wishes to all Ladies :)

Thank You.

Vadim. "

Marcelo Aue

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